Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Motivation Factors entrepreneurship

Motivation Factors entrepreneurship
The characteristics of successful entrepreneurs (Kashmir, 27-28)
a. Having a clear vision and goals. This serves to guess where
step and the intended direction so as to know the steps to be
undertaken by these entrepreneurs
b. Initiative and always proactive. This is a fundamental characteristic in which employers are not
just waiting for something to happen, but first start and look for
opportunities as a pioneer in various activities.
c. Achievement-oriented. Successful entrepreneurs are always chasing achievements
better than the previous achievements. Quality products, services provided,
as well as customer satisfaction is a major concern. Each time all activities
s businesses are always evaluated and should be better than
d. Dare to take risks. This is a trait that must have a
business anytime and anywhere, either in money or time.

e. Work hard. Businessman working hours are not limited to time, where there are opportunities
there he comes. Sometimes an entrepreneur is difficult to set time
it works. His mind is always thinking about the progress of its business. New ideas are always
encouraged to work kerjas realize it. There are no difficult words and
there is no problem that can not be resolved.
f. Responsible for all activities being operated, either now
and future. Responsibility of an employer not only on
In terms of material, but also a moral to the various parties.
g. Commitment to the various parties is a trait that must be held firm and
should be kept. Commitment to do something really is
obligation to immediately kept the funds realized.
h. Develop and maintain good relations with various parties, both
directly related to the business carried on or not.
Good relationships that need to dlijalankan, among others to: our customers,
governments, suppliers, and society at large.
From the analysis of experience in the field, entrepreneurial traits essential to be successful can be summarized in three attitudes, namely:
a. honest, in the sense of daring to express true conditions of business
run, and would carry out its business activities in accordance with
abilities. This is necessary because the attitude is likely to
make the buyer has a high confidence to entrepreneurs
so willing to willing to be a customer in the long term
b. have long-term goal, in the sense of having a clear picture
on the development end of business conducted. It is to be able to
provide a great motivation to entrepreneurial actors to
do work although at the same time the expected results
still not available.
c. always devout prayer, which is a self-surrender to God to ask
what they want and accept whatever the results obtained. In the language
others, can be stated that "the man who tried, but God who
determine! "thus praying is one therapy for
maintenance effort to achieve the ideals.
Competence need is owned by entrepreneur as well as other professions in
life, this competence support towards the success. Dan & Bradstreet
Business Credit Service (1993: 1) revealed 10 competencies that must be owned,
1. knowing your business, that business knows what to do.
In other words, an entrepreneur must know everything
that has to do with business or business to be conducted.
2. knowing the basic business management, namely to know the basics
business management, such as how to design a business, organizing and
mengenalikan companies, including to take into account,
predict, administer, and record the activities

business. Knowing means to understand business management tips, how, processes
and management of all corporate resources effectively and efficiently.
3. having the proper attitude, which has the perfect attitude towards
doing business. He should behave like traders,
industrialist, entrepreneur, executive sunggung seriously and not
4. having adequate capital, which has sufficient capital. Capital not
only form of matter but also spiritual. Confidence and determination
is a major capital in the business. Therefore, it should be enough
time, enough money, enough power, place and mentality.
5. Finances managing effectively, which has the ability / manage
finance, effectively and efficiently, to seek funding and
use it appropriately, and control it accurately.
6. managing time efficiently, the ability to manage time efficiently
possible. Manage, calculate, and keep time in accordance with
7. managing people, namely the ability to plan, organize,
directing / motivating, and controlling the people in
run the company.
8. statisfying customers by Providing high quality product, which gives
customer satisfaction by providing goods and services
quality, useful and satisfying.
9. knowing Hozu to Compete, namely knowing the strategy / how to compete.
Entrepreneurship should be able to reveal the strength (strength), weakness
(Weaks), opportunity (opportunity), and threats (threat), himself and a competitor. He had to use a SWOT analysis as well as against himself and against competitors.
10. copying with regulation and paper work, which makes the rules / guidelines
clearly express, not implied. (Triton, 2007: 137-139)
Eight steps to the peak of his career entrepreneurship (Alma, 106-109), consists of:
1. willing to work hard (capacity for hard work)
2. cooperate with others (Getting Things Done with and through people)
3. A good appearance (good appearance)
4. sure (self confidence)
5. good at making decisions (making sound decision)
6. would add science (college education)
7. ambition to get ahead (Ambition drives)
8. good communication (ability to Communicate)

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