Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


Competence Entrepreneurship
Successful entrepreneurs in general are those who have the competence that is: someone who has the knowledge, skills and individual qualities that include attitude, motivation, values and behaviors needed to perform the work / activities.
Skills a must-have Suryana (2003):

a. Managerial skills
b. Conceptual skills
c. Human skills (the skills to understand, understand, communicate and relate)
d. Decision making skills (the skills to formulate problems and take
e. Time managerial skill (skill set and use time)
Competency is defined as knowledge, skills and abilities of individuals who directly impact performance, performance for entrepreneurs is the goal to be achieved.
3. Growing Soul and Competence Entrepreneurship
3.1. Fostering Entrepreneurship
Maybe we've heard that a rich family
bring up children who are rich because they are accustomed to rich. Similarly, there
which assume that someone to be an entrepreneur because it is the father-
his mother, grandparents, and most of his family lineage adlah
This feeling according to the opinion of the writer is thinking
wrong. There was no denying it, there are many entrepreneurs who were born from
family or descendants of entrepreneurs. But that does not mean reduced
genetic. Perhaps this is because the environmental aspects of business that is strong enough to affect the lives of people become entrepreneurs.
Become entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) of course is a basic human right of all
us. Do not because just because we do not have a derivative of entrepreneurs so shut the opportunity to become entrepreneurs.
The first step we do when interested in plunging into the world of entrepreneurship is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit in ourselves. There are many ways that can be done for example:
1. Through formal education. Now both secondary education institutions
and high presents a variety of programs, or at least subject
2. Through seminars on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship seminars
often held with invited experts and practitioners
entrepreneurship so that through this medium we will build the soul
entrepreneurship in ourselves
3. Through training. Various simulation effort is usually given through
good training is conducted in a room (indoor) and outdoor
outdoor). Through this training, courage and our responsiveness to
linghkungan changing dynamics will be tested and always repaired and
4. Self-taught. Through the various media we can foster a spirit
entrepreneurship. For example, through the biographies of successful entrepreneurs (sucess story),
medium of television, radio, magazines newspapers and other media we can access to develop the entrepreneurial spirit that is in ourselves.
Through various media turns out to every person can learn and grow an entrepreneurial spirit. The question is, what psychological aspects that characterize that person is said to have an entrepreneurial spirit?
To discuss further about this question, the author will try to discuss opinions Suryana (2003) that people who have the entrepreneurial spirit and attitude that is:

a. Self-confidence (confident, optimistic and full of commitment)
Confidence in determining anything, confident in carrying out
something, confident that we can cope with the risks faced
is a fundamental factor that must be owned by the entrepreneur. Someone
who have an entrepreneurial spirit to feel confident that nothing is done
will succeed even though will face many obstacles. Not always
haunted by fear of failure that makes him optimistic for continued

b. Initiative (energetic and confident)
Waiting for something that is definitely not something that is most hated by someone who has an entrepreneurial spirit. In the face of the dynamic life full of changes and problems encountered, an entrepreneur will always try to find a way out. They did not want his life hung in the environment, so it will continue working to find a way out.

c. Achievement motives (results-oriented and forward-looking)
Various targets for achieving success in life usually designed by an entrepreneur. One by one they continue to achieve its target. When faced with the condition fails, they will continue to re-fix the failures they experienced.
The success for the success achieved by someone who spirited
entrepreneur makes a trigger for continued success in his life.
For them the future is the beauty of success is to be achieved
in his life.
d. Have leadership (dare appear to be different and dare to take
risk with the full calculation)
Leadership or leadership is a key factor
successful entrepreneurs. Dare to come forward facing something new
though full of risk. Courage is certainly based on calculations
A person who is afraid to appear to lead and always throw the responsibility to others, it will be difficult to achieve success in entrepreneurship. The properties of no confidence, low self-esteem, excessive shame, fear and feeling of inferiority among the attributes that should be abandoned and thrown far away from us if you want to achieve success in entrepreneurship.

e. Like challenges
We may often read or witnessed several cases of withdrawal of a manager or executive of a company. Pa which caused them to flee from his company and left the establishment as a manager?
Some of them turned out to feel saturated continuously carry out routine tasks that do not know when the end. They need a more dynamic life that has been belim they get the company where they work. Finally, they explore what kind of activities that can satisfy their need for a challenge?
"Entrepreneurship" turned out to be the choice most managers who intentionally
out of kemapanannya in the company. Why "wirausah?" Apparently so
many variations of work and changes that are very challenging in the world

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