Kamis, 09 Desember 2010


A successful entrepreneur must have a good and interesting characteristics, characteristics of an entrepreneur will look and develop through science, experience gained from the interaction with the environment. So characteristic is something to do with temperament, behavior, disposition, attitude of people towards the struggle of life to achieve happiness and spiritual birth.
Characteristics of a good entrepreneur, will lead towards the truth, and raise the degree of safety and dignity. Characteristics of entrepreneurs who have owned and needs to be developed are as follows:
1. Noble character
2. Working hard and discipline
3. Independent and realistic
4. Prestatif and high commitment
5. Positive thinking and responsible
6. Able to control emotions
7. Do not break a promise, keep their promises and time
8. Learning from experience
9. Memperhitungkn risk
10. Merasaan needs of others
11. Working with others
12. Produce something for someone else
13. Give encouragement to others
14. Seeking a way out for any problems
15. Planning sesutau before acting.

Success in business is always associated with it - are as follows:
a. The attitude and behavior of discipline, is the basis for the success of one's capital in
b. High commitment, meaning that every time an entrepreneurial mind is not separated from
his company or his business.
c. Honestly, that is willing and able to say something as it is.

d. Creative, is a person's ability to give birth to something new, whether it be
ideas and real work are relatively different from what already exists
e. Innovative, which is a process to convert opportunities into ideas and ideas - ideas
which can be sold.
f. Independent and realistic, it means that kwberhasilan eorang advent of self-entrepreneurship
itself and the idea of a realistic and not from other people.

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