Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010


Science can be grouped into three branches, namely: the exact sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities Knowledge LMU exact sciences are branches of science whose principles, universally accepted his arguments and its application also apply universally. Examples of exact sciences such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and the like. Evidence of the exact sciences such as Mathematics universally applicable, as there are in the field of geometry theorem which states that the square Pichtagoras slash (hypotenuse) of a right triangle will be equal to the square of the other two sides. This theorem applies anywhere, anytime. Physical Science says that things which Gravity (BJ) BJ's are smaller than water will float and vice versa, objects BJ BJ is larger than water will sink. This theorem applies everywhere in the world and anytime. Similarly, formulas can be applied chemistry in general does not depend on the circumstances. An example formula is H2O when the wake of water, heat will break down as follows: 2H2 + O2 2H2O . This provision applies in the Universal good in Indonesia, the United States, in Russia, Erofa and everywhere and anytime. Social Studies of Science is a branch of its arguments, its laws apply Universal, but its application depends on the circumstances in which it is used. Example branch of Social Sciences, such as the Science of Sociology, Political Science, Administrative Sciences, Economics, Legal Studies and the like. Social science evidence strongly influenced by the circumstances and conditions, such as political science in general, has limitations as a science that studies the management of power within a country. Implementation of political science is heavily influenced by the situation and condition of the country concerned. State power in Indonesia, Pancasila Democracy refers to the System, in the United States refers to the System of Liberal Democracy and the People's Republic of China refers to the System of Communist Democracy.
Although Economics is full of statistics but Economic Studies included in the group of Social Sciences, because the implementation of Economic Science is not the same in many countries. In Indonesia, the implementation of Economics based on the principle of kinship, in the United States according to the Market Economy System (Liberal) and in countries applying the Communist-oriented economy to the interests of the state, society is merely a tool of the economy.
From the description above shows the difference in principle between the Social Sciences and the exact sciences. The difference lies in terms of its application in the field of exact sciences are not influenced by the situation and condition, while the Social Sciences is strongly influenced by the circumstances in which he applied.
Science is the science of humanities related to the sense of art
possessed by humans, such as: Art Literature, Music, sculpting, painting, and so forth. Humanities Science can not be included in the Social Sciences, because it is not the study of motion activity (action) of human life, but is learned is the tendency of "taste" and "feelings" that lead to human interests and talents to be creative. Social Knowledge Management including science, because its implementation depends on the circumstances in which he applied. Management Sciences study how someone (leaders) entrusted with the responsibility of carrying out their duties as well as possible, so that they lead the organizational unit objectives can be achieved. A person entrusted with the task of management is called managers. Management Science is required
in every human activity that live in groups (business units), such as households, government offices, Sekoilah or University or Private Company dans forth.

Humans are social creatures (people), he had felt himself as
man, if he is in a society. Society does not consist only of human beings, but also of the relationships between human beings, both individually as well as the relationship between class relations, or relations between the individual with the group, society is the association between human-human life that.
The forms of society are many kinds of variety, it can be a life
are based on rational or not rational, he can be a social life of small or large. Forms can be either "family", "tribe", "village", "city", "region", "country", "nation", "association", or "fellowship". All forms are meant to solve all the problems facing the community. Of association in society that occurred phenomena of society. Phenomena that live in the community and has its own characteristics, among others
legal phenomenon, the phenomenon of economic, political phenomenon and the phenomenon andministrasi.
The phenomenon of questioning the legal rights and obligations of and between communities
and its members. Argued about how economic phenomena which
community and its members get the satisfaction of the needs of
food and clothing in a state of deficiency. Explain political phenomena
how people define the principal objectives (political) of society.
While the phenomenon of the administration about how to know mukakan
society was organized kegiatan-kegiatan/usaha-usaha-nya to achieve these basic objectives.
Studying the phenomenon of legal jurisprudence, economics studying economic phenomena, political phenomena studied political science and administrative science studying the phenomenon of administration.
Administrative science is the study of how people (men) carry out activities to achieve our ultimate goal which had been determined beforehand by the community. When studied are the activities in achieving the ultimate goal of state administration of science is called science Public administration or the State Administrative Sciences. When studied are the activities in achieving the ultimate goal of science administration keswastaan then it is called the Private Administration or the Science Studies Adiministrasi Commerce.
Administration can be viewed as an entity / person which carries on business-
administrative activities. Administration can also be viewed as an activity, namely administrative activities. Administration can also be viewed as a process that is normal administrative activities (administrative activities in a series of continuous sequence).
In achieving its goal, each administrative body run 3 main activities
1) Make administrative discretion (administrative policy making), which makes the line-
outline of what needs to be organized and the ways
organization in achieving its objectives.
2) Run the management is running the activities to get results
(Destination) via (use) of others.
3) Running the implementation activities (ie operations to run
jobs that have been planned by management within the framework specified in the policy administration and policy menajerial. Operational activities are mainly requires technical skills (technical skills) to do various jobs.
So every management to run its activities in the framework of the administration, even being so determinant in the achievement of administrative goals, so it is said that management is the core of the administration.
Forms of political wisdom in the State is determined according to a government system
prevailing in that State. In the Republic of Indonesia it is a form of political wisdom Act of 1945 and the MPR decree on the first and the second level is the Law and Government Regulation in Lieu of Law. In administration, the Government / President work within the limits that have been determined not in the political wisdom. Shape policy in the field of state administration are many kinds of variety, among others: government regulation, the President of the State Address, the official utterances of President on the occasion of the interview and others. At the Department level there is wisdom in the form of administration of the Minister's decision Minister, Instruction of the Minister and on the level of Director-General also has the administrative discretion of the Director-General and so on at the provincial and district levels.
At one company, the form of administrative discretion is a decision
Board of Commissioners or Board of Supervisors. While the wisdom of managerial decisions which are determined by the Board of Directors or a Director. Within this framework of managerial wisdom began managerial activities such as:
planning, organization, placement, and supervision of drivers.
As a process, the administration includes two main aspects in terms of static and dynamic aspects.
Static aspect of container shape and structure that govern all formal inter-personal relationships in the process of achieving goals. Who's the dynamic aspect of the overall intangible activities performed to achieve a rational cooperation in achieving goals.
In the science of administration, static terms are commonly referred to as "the organization" and the dynamic aspect is called "management". In a relationship there are two aspects of this administration Dwight Waldo in his book "The Study of Public Administration" presents that her organization and management is the hallmark of the administration.

Between the organization and management can not be separated from each other right. Can be described as anatomical organization of the administration while the management as physiology. Both are interdependent with one another as well as anatomy and physiology of each organism lives.
The separation between "organization" and "management" just as Kedar for
shows the required category in its category of business analysis and a mere ideal. Categorization in organizational administration and management is how to view on a same symptoms.
The organization saw the administration in a state of static and gives a pattern, is the management view of administration in a state of dynamic or movement. Separation is not necessary too sharply because of complementarity with each other, to thereby avoid misconception in the conduct of discrepancy. Thus management is the administration within the movement and because of organizational leadership is also at the same time he also led the management who have the authority to move the rudder administration.

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