Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010


The term management comes from the verb (in English) to manage, which means
In the Indonesian language term for the word defined with a variety of management, among others, as follows:
1) Institute of Public Administration, management is defined by the term leadership.
2) the Army, the management is defined in terms of coaching.
3) University of Indonesia, the management is defined in terms of management.
4) University of Gajah Mada and Universitas Padjadjaran, management is defined by the term

In Webster's New Coolegiate Dictionary, the word comes from managing explained
Italian "managgio" from the word "managgiare" the next word is derived from
Latin "manus" meaning hand. In the dictionary on the word "manage" given meanings:
1) to direct and control (guiding and supervising).
2) to treat with care (treating with sekasama)
3) to carry on business or affairs (care of commerce, or urusan-urusan/persoalan-
4) to Achieve one's purpuse (reach certain goals.)
Viewed meaning that the fourth explanation of the meaning of management include the meaning of the above.

Furthermore, the dictionary described above are also management:
1) Act or managing art: conduct; control; direction (act or art of managing,
treating, monitoring, mentoring).
2) The collective body of those WHO manage any enterprise or intrest (a collective body
manage a company or interest).
Thus if there is any reasonable argument that management is a process activity carried out together to achieve goals; and management are the institutions which conducted activities.

In addition, management comes from the noun (in English) "management"
with different meanings: first management means the management, control, or the handler. Both management treatments were skilfully interpreted to deal with something a Skillful treatment. The three combinations of the above two terms, namely: that associated with the management of an enterprise, household, or a form of cooperation in achieving a particular goal.
These three definitions support the notion that the management agreement was seen as a Science and Arts.
Management as science means the science and management meet the criteria of scientific method that emphasizes concepts, theories, principles and management techniques. As an LMU knowledge management has characteristic of science, namely:
Compilation  systematically or regularly.
It can be learned and taught 
 Using scientific methods.  Having certain principles.
 Can be used as a theory.
 Objective and Rational
Management as Art, ability to manage something that is creating art or so-called creativity (creativity that arise from within to create something), and a person's skills (skills obtained from experience).
In his book "Principles of Management" George R Terry distinguish between art and science of management as follows:

S e n i

Progress  obtained
with practice.
 Feelings
 guess
Describing 
 opinions


I l m u
Progress  obtained
with Science.
Proof 
 Forecast
Determining 
 sizes.

In terms of static or container element is the organization rather than administration. This organization itself is a tool of administration in achieving its objectives. To achieve this goal the organization as a static aspect should be in motion with a process that is dynamic and distinctive. Dynamic and unique process that is commonly referred to as "management". The people who carry out management (moving the organization) commonly known by the term "manager" or members of management.
Management as a typical process of moving the organization is very important, because without effective management there would be no business that will succeed long enough. The achievement of organizational goals both economic, social or political, for the most part bersar depends on the ability of managers within the organization concerned. Management gives the effectiveness of human effort. From the description above it appears that the term related to business management to achieve certain objectives by way of using the resources available within the organization with the best possible way. Because in the definition of "organization" has always contained elements of a group (more than 2 people) man then manajemenpun usually used in connection with the effort of a group of humans, although management can also be applied to an individual business enterprises. To clarify the meaning of management, the following is quoted several experts in the field of management, where opinions different from each other with each other although there is always the element of similarity. From the difference of opinion (which is caused by differences in laying emphasis on the point of view) as well as similarities were expected to obtain a more clear and thorough about this management.
1. Jhon D. Millet
"Management is the process of directing and facilitating the work of people organized in a formal group to Achieve a desired goal."
(Management is the process of directing and launching the work of the people who are formally organized as a group to obtain the desired goal).
2. And E. Petersons Elmore Grosvenor Plowman
"Management May be defined as a technique by means of the which the porpuses and objectives of a particular human group are deter-mined, classifed and effectuated."
(Management may be given the definition as a technique with a technique where the intent and purpose of a particular human group defined, classified and implemented).
3. Ordway Tead
"Management is the process and the agency the which direct and guides the operations of an organization in the Realizing of established AIMS".
(Management is a process and device that directs and guides the activities of an organization in achieving its intended purpose.)
4. Ralph C. Davis
"Management is the function of the executive leadership any Nowhere"
(Management is the function of each chief executive anywhere).
5. Jhon F. Me
"Management is the art of SECURING maximum result whith minimum of Efforts so as to secure maximum prosperity and happiness for both employers and employ and give the public the best possible service". (Management is the art to achieve maximum results with minimal effort as well as achieve maximum well-being and ebahagiaan both for the leadership and the workers and provide the best possible service to the community).
6. S. Kimball and Kimball Jr. D.S.
"Management embraces all duties and functions That pertain to the initiation of an enterprise, its financing establishment of all major policies, the provision of all Necessary equipment, the outlining of the general form of organizations and selection of the principle officers".
(Management consists of all tasks and functions that includes pe-nyusunan a company, financing, determining the outlines of policy, the provision of all necessary equipment and preparation of the framework and election organization pejabatpejabat terrace).
7. George R. Terry
"Management is distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, in EACH utilizing both science and art and follow in order to accomplish predetermined objectives."
(Management is a process that typically consists of the actions of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling where in each field is used both knowledge and expertise and are followed in sequence in order to attempt to reach the original targets).
8. Jhon M. Pfiffner
"Management is Concerned with the direction of these individuals and functions to Achieve ends Previously determined" (Management deals with the guardianship of the people and functions to achieve the objectives previously set.)
9. Dwight Waldo
"Management is the action intended to Achieve rational coopration in an administrative system". (Management is the act which aims to obtain a rational cooperation in a system of administration.
10. Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell
"Management is Getting Things Done through other people." (Management is
work together with others).
What exactly is meant by management?. Management is "The
Art of Getting Things Done through other people "(Art accomplish all things through others). Management is the planning process (planning), organizers of (organizing), directing (leading) and control (contolling) activities of member organizations and activities use resources other organizations to achieve organizational goals.
The conclusion that can be drawn from similarities found in various kinds of definitions above is:
a) Management is always applied in relation to the business of a group of people and not against something one particular business.
b) In terms of management always contained a certain aim will be achieved by the group concerned.
In short we can say that management is a matter of achieving a certain goal with a group of people.
Management can have a meaning:
1) Kegiatan-kegiatan/Aktivitas-aktivitas
2) The process, namely the activities in a series of sequences
3) Institutions / persons who conduct activities or process activities.
(1), (2), and (3) to get results through others.


What is meant by "other people" are the ones executing (subject) or the people who become the object of the exercise.
For example in personnel management, the "others" are the ones who run the executive activities kepegawai's or / and all staff members who become the object of that employment activities.
Activities that are not through other people, not the management activities.
For example, to obtain results through the machines, it was called the activities of mechanical engineering.
What use is enough understanding about the management of every person residing within an organization include:
 section all to know the organizations where they work well
 For those who occupy a managerial position to know the role, responsibilities
responsibilities and duties within the organization.
 For incorporated as a subordinate to understand the role of his superiors,
because every boss is also at the same time acting as subordinates.
 Even for people outside the organization also needs to recognize the management of an organization
because they have relationships and interests with the organization concerned.

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