Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


Soul and Entrepreneurship Attitudes
Meredith et al .. (2002), presents an important intrinsic value of entrepreneurship

1. Self-confidence (self confidence)
It is a blend of attitudes and beliefs in the face of the task
or work, which is internal, is a relative and dynamic, and many
determined by its ability to initiate, implement and
complete a job. Confidence will affect
idea, intention, initiative, creativity, courage, perseverance, morale,
enthusiasm at work. The key to success in business is around for
understand ourselves. Therefore, a successful entrepreneur is an independent entrepreneur and confident.
2. Task-oriented and results
A person who always put duty and results, is the person who
always give priority to the values of achievement motive, profit-oriented,
perseverance and hard work. In the entrepreneurial opportunities available only
if there is initiative. Behaviour is usually acquired through training initiatives
and experience of many years and its development are obtained by
self-discipline, critical thinking, perceptive, passionate and spirit of achievement.
3. The courage to take risks
Entrepreneurs are people who prefer that more efforts
challenged to achieve success or failure rather than business
less challenging. Entrepreneurial avoid low-risk situations because
there is no challenge and avoid high risk situations due to
successful. In this situation there are two alternatives to choose the alternative
which mengangung risk and a conservative alternative. The choice of
risk depends on:
a. The attractiveness of each alternative
b. Willingness to loss
c. Relative likelihood of success or failure

Furthermore, the ability to take risk depends on:
a. Confidence in yourself
b. Willingness to use the ability in seeking opportunities and
likely to benefit
c. Ability to assess situations in a realistic risk
4. Kempemimpinan
An entrepreneur must possess leadership, pioneering,
exemplary. He always displays the products and services new and different
so he became a pioneer in production process and
marketing. And always use that difference as a
add value.
5. Oriented to the future
Entrepreneurs must have the perspective and outlook to the future, the key is the ability to create something new and different than they are now.
6. Originality: Creativity and Innovation

Innovative entrepreneurs are people who have characteristics:
a. Never satisfied with the ways that done today, although
I was pretty good
b. Always pour the imagination dalaam job
c. Always wanted to look different or always take advantage of differences
Entrepreneurship is to think and act in something new or something old thinking with new ways. According to Everett E. Hagen innovational personality traits as follows:
a. Openness to experience, open to experience
b. Creative Imagination, has the ability to work with
c. Confidence and content in one's own evaluation, have confidence
on the assessment itself and the firm establishment
d. Satisfiction in facing and attacking problems and in resolving
confusion or inconsistency, always have the satisfaction of
confront and solve problems
e. Has a duty or responsibility to Achieve, has a duty and a sense of
responsibility to perform
f. Inteigence and energetic, have intelligence and energetic

Meanwhile, according to Alma (2003), the road to entrepreneurial success are:

- Willing to work hard
- Cooperation
- Good appearance
- Sure
- Good at making decisions
- Want to add science
- Ambition to get ahead
- Good communication

Creative and innovative process (Suryana: 2003) is only done by those

people who have the entrepreneurial spirit and attitude that is:
a. Self-confidence (confident, optimistic and full of commitment)
b. Initiative (energetic and confident)
c. Achievement motives (results-oriented and forward-looking)
d. Have leadership (dare appear to be different and dare to take
risk with the full calculation)
e. Like challenges

Personal factors that affect entrepreneurship: achievement motive,
commitment, personal values, education and experience. While the environmental factors are the opportunities, role models and activities.

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