Jumat, 03 Desember 2010


Teaching Profession
What, Why, and How to Work Profession
Profession is a job in carrying out their duties require / demand expertise (expertise), using scientific techniques, and dedication. Expertise gained from educational institution dedicated to it with a curriculum that can be accounted for.
The characteristics of professions, namely the existence of:
1. performance standards;
2. special education institutions to produce professionals with the standards of academic quality that is responsible;
3. professional organizations;
4. ethics and professional code of ethics;
5. reward system;
6. community recognition.
Teaching Profession
Basically, the teaching profession is a profession that is growing. Although there is an opinion that the teacher is a position semiprofesional, but actually more than that. This is possible because the position can only be obtained at the teacher education institution that prepares graduates of teachers, the professional organizations, codes of ethics and there are rules about the functional position of teachers (SK Menpan No. 26/1989).
Professionalization effort is unnecessary negotiable because its unique teaching profession. Professional teachers must have the various competencies such as professional competence, personal and social.

The characteristics of the Teaching Profession
The characteristics are as follows professorship.
1. Position involving intellectual activity.
2. Position the torso wrestle a special science.
3. Professional positions that require a long preparation (compared with work that requires a mere general practice).
4. Positions that require training in a sustainable position.
5. Position a promising career and life of permanent membership.
6. Position that determines the standard (default) itself.
7. Position is more concerned about service above personal gain.
8. Positions that have a strong professional organization and are closely connected.

Background to the Teaching Profession
Professorship motivated by the need of teachers. This need increases with educational institutions that produce prospective teachers to produce professional teachers. At the present time LPTKs be the only institutions that produce teachers. Although the position of the teaching profession has not been fully told, but the condition has improved with increased incomes of teachers, recognition of the teaching profession, professional organizations are getting better, and educational institutions that produce teachers so there is a certified teacher through the Teach Act. Professional organization working to unite members of the profession and the motion steps to enhance the professionalism of its members. After PGRI who became the only professional organization of teachers in Indonesia, later developing a kind of teachers' organizations (MGMP).

Scope of the Teaching Profession
The scope of services of teachers in carrying out his profession, which consists of (1) administrative services in education, (2) instructional services, and (3) support services, which all three strive to enhance students' optimal development.
The scope of the teaching profession can also be divided into two groups namely group knowledge and mastery of basic techniques and professional group of professional ability.
Personality Competence
Competence personality is a number of competencies related to personal skills with all the characteristics that support the implementation tasks teacher.
Some personality teacher competency are as follows.
1. Faithful and pious to God the Almighty.
2. Believe to yourself.
3. Tolerant and tolerant.
4. Being open and democratic.
5. Patience in keguruannya profession.
6. Develop themselves for the progress of his profession.
7. Understand the purpose of education.
8. Able to human relationships.
9. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of self.
10. Creative and innovative in its work.

Teacher Social Competence
Social competence is the ability of teachers to adapt to the demands of work and the environment at the time of bringing his duties as a teacher. The role of the teacher brought in a society different from other professions. Therefore, the public attention given to the teachers were different and there is specificity, especially the demand to become a pioneer of development in areas where teachers live.
Some social competence that need to be owned by teachers, among others the following.
1. Skilled at communicating with students and parents Learners.
2. Be sympathetic.
3. Can cooperate with the BP3.
4. Clever hang out with my friend co-worker and Education Partners.
5. Understand the surrounding world (Environmental).

Components of Professional Competence
Professional competence is a competence of teachers associated with the profession that demands a variety of expertise in the field of education or teacher training. Professional competence is a basic skills teacher in the learning and knowledge about human behavior, field of study dibinanya, the right attitude about PBM environment and have skills in teaching techniques.
Some components of professional competence of teachers is the following.
1. Mastery Learning Materials and Their concepts.
2. Management of teaching and learning programs.
3. Classroom management.
4. The management and use of media and learning resources.
5. Mastery of educational foundations.
6. Ability to assess achievement of teaching and learning.
7. Understanding the principles of management of institutions and educational programs in schools.
8. Mastering the methods of thinking.
9. Improving the ability and professional mission.
10. Provide assistance and guidance to students.
11. Having insight into educational research.
12. Able to conduct simple research for teaching purposes.
13. Able to understand the characteristics of learners.
14. Able to organize School Administration.
15. Having insight about educational innovation.
16. Take bold decisions.
17. Understanding the curriculum and its development.
18. Ability to work planned and programmed.
19. Able to use time appropriately.

The relationship between Mastery and Ability Teaching Materials
Mastery of basic foundation material becomes a teacher to have the ability to teach. Mastery of a teacher is done by reading the book-fur lessons. The ability of mastery of the material has a close connection with teachers' teaching abilities, the more in control of a teacher in the material / instructional materials in teaching it will be more successful if underpinned by its ability to use teaching methods.
Mastery of teaching materials to start with knowing the contents of the material and how to approach teaching materials.
Teachers who master the teaching materials will be more confident in teaching the material, always creative and innovative in delivery methods.

Situational Decision and Transactional
Situational decision regarding decisions about what and how the teaching will be realized based on the analysis of the situation (objectives, materials to be delivered, time and facilities available and the default behavior of students).
Situational decision taken when compiling the preparation of teachers written in the form of lesson units (satpel).
Transactional decisions are made by teachers adjustments relating to the implementation of situational decisions based on the feedback obtained from the interaction with student teachers as well as from interactions between students in the PBM is in progress.
Transactional decision was taken because of the changing circumstances that developed in performing PBM.
Role of Teachers in the Development of Learning Design
The learning process is a process of inquiry and reflective, which emphasizes the importance of teachers' experience and appreciation of the process. Learning design should be developed on the basis of instructional goals oriented to the development of students. The development is the goal of learning. The design of good learning design in short and long term components include: (a) Analysis of the curriculum, (b) instructional objectives, (c) the plan of activities, (d) evaluation plan.

Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Learning and Classroom Management
1. Effective learning manifested in behavioral changes as both learners and the impact of the instructional impact accompaniment. The learning process takes place in a scene that need to be organized and managed into an environment or conditions conducive learning.
2. Pluralistic approach in classroom management combining various approaches, and look at classroom management as a set of activities to develop and maintain an effective learning environment.
3. Problems of teaching and classroom management are two things that can be distinguished but it is difficult to separate. Both are interrelated; classroom management is a prerequisite for the continuity of the learning process effective.
4. Learning environment is developed and maintained with due regard to diversity factors and the development of learners. Classroom management is developed through the stages: the formulation of ideal conditions, gap analysis, strategy selection, and assessment of the effectiveness of the strategy.
5. Structuring the classroom physical environment is an essential element in classroom management because it gives effect to the behavior of teachers and learners

Role of Teachers in the Evaluation of Learning
Evaluation is the process of obtaining information to form judgments in decision-making. Information required for the purpose of evaluation techniques enmeshed with inquiry, observation, analysis, tests. The selection technique used is based on the type of information should be disclosed so that the evaluation could be used in a variety of techniques at once. Processing the measurement results of the study intended to evaluate the process and learning outcomes

Understanding the Role of Teachers in the Elementary Student Learning Development
While learning is a process of personal development of students, the students' progress should be the basis for learning. Aspects of student development that includes physical and motor development, cognitive, personal, and social development has important implications for the learning process. The implication is related to content development and learning strategies, and cooperation of school with parents.

Definition and Purpose of Guidance and Counselling
1. Guidance can be defined as "the process of helping individuals to achieve optimal development."
2. Counselling is defined as "the process of helping individuals (clients) on an individual basis in situations of face-to-face relationship, in order to develop themselves or solve his problems."
3. Counseling is one type of guidance service, which is considered the core of the overall guidance service.
4. Guidance and counseling aims to help individuals or for learners to develop his personality in an optimal, either in relation to aspects of physical, intellectual, emotional, social and moral-spiritual.

Functions, Principles, and Principles of Guidance
1. As the process of providing assistance to individuals (students), guidance serves as an effort to (a) understanding, (b) prevention, (c) development, and (d) repair.
2. Tutoring is held based on the principles of (a) individuals or learners are in the process of developing, (b) guidance targets are all learners, (c) care for all aspects of development, (d) the ability of learners are the basis for determining the choice, ( e) guidance is an integral part of education, and (f) the assistance provided in an effort to develop the ability of learners to realize himself.
3. Organizing professional guidance should care about the principles, such as confidentiality, openness, expertise, dynamism, and tut wuri handayani.
Fields and Types of Tutoring Services
1. Implementation of the guidance, covering the areas of personal, social, academic, and career.
2. The types of guidance services, including orientation, information, learning, group counseling, placement and distribution, individual counseling, and group counseling
Relations with Educational Guidance
Be established with a good education, if supported by its components in the areas of leadership or administration, teaching, and students' personal service or guidance. Through counseling, education process to facilitate the development of those aspects or personal characteristics of students optimally.

Kepembimbingan Teacher Role in Learning in Schools
In accordance with the nature and characteristics of school child development, guidance and counseling in schools more effectively become an integral part of the job counselor. Guidance implemented in an integrated school in the learning process, except the things that require special handling.
In the process of learning at school teachers need to show a leadership role by creating a climate or atmosphere of learning that the charged / nuanced guidance. In the process of learning that teachers play a role not only deliver instructional materials, but also develop effective behaviors both with respect to learning behavior, personal, social or career.
Helping Troubled Students
Problems faced by students can be divided into a learning problem and the problem is not learning. However, these problems usually lead to learning difficulties. Student learning difficulties can be identified by testing the results of learning, basic skills tests, observation study habits.
The factors that cause learning difficulties can be classified into external and internal factors. There are several techniques to help students who have difficulty learning, namely (1) teaching improvement, (2) enrichment, (3) increased motivation to learn, (4) improvement of learning skills, (5) development of attitudes and habits of effective learning.

Guidance on the School Development Program
There are 4 core components in the program guidance, namely (1) common basic services, (2) Service responsiveness, (3) individual planning services, and (4) Supporting system. Basic public services are services aimed at helping all students develop behaviors that must be mastered for the long term. Responsive service is a service to help students solve problems or develop behaviors that become necessary at this time and must be served. Individualized planning services are directed to help students plan for education, career and personal development.
In everyday conversations often heard the term profession or professional. Someone said that the profession as a doctor, another said that his profession as an architect, or there is also a lawyer, teacher, instead also Nothing says professional traders, singers, boxers, dancers, paperboy, and so forth. The staff and employees of the military and government agencies are also non-perpetual state will increase professionalism. This means that their job is a profession as well.
If observed carefully the various professions mentioned above, can not be seen clearly what constitutes the criteria for a job that can be called a profession. Apparently, the criteria can move in terms of formal education required for a person to get a profession, to the ability of a person charged with
Understanding Professions
a) Serving the community, is a career that will be implemented throughout life (not changing jobs).
b) Requires certain areas of knowledge and skills beyond
reach a wide audience (not everyone can do it).
c) Using the results of research and application of theory to practice (a new theory was developed from research results).
d) Require special training with a long time.
e) Controlled by standard license and or have the entry requirements (to occupy these positions require a specific license or any special requirements specified in order to possess it).
f) autonomy in making decisions about the scope of work
(not regulated by outsiders).
g) Accept responsibility for decisions taken and displayed performance relating to services provided (directly responsible for what is decided, not transferred to the supervisor or a higher institution.) Having a set of performance standards.
h) Have a commitment to the office and clients, with emphasis on services to be provided.
i) Using the administrator to facilitate the profession; relatively free from supervision in the office (such as health care providers use to record the client's administrative staff, while there is no supervision from a doctor outside of the job itself).
j) Having an organization that is governed by members of the profession itself.
k) Having professional association and / or group of 'elite' to know and acknowledge the success of its members (the success of the task physician organizations evaluated and appreciated by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), not by the Department of Health).
1) Having a code of ethics to explain the things that doubt or dispute relating to the services provided.
m) Having a high level of public trust and confidence of each member (members of the public has always believed doctors knew more about the illness of patients it serves.)
n) Have the social and economic status is high (when compared with other positions).
o) Each member of the profession have the freedom to provide judgment of the issues facing the profession.
p) In practice serving the community, members of the profession autonomous and free from interference by outsiders.
q) This position has a high prestige in society, and therefore obtain higher returns.
If we use this reference to the position trader, singers, dancers, and the newsboy who called in the first part is obviously not a profession. But we'll talk about next is the professorship, whether the position of teachers has been to referred to as a profession?
Requirements Definition and Teaching Profession
Especially for the professorship, actually also has anyone tried to formulate criteria. For example, the National Education Asosiasion (NEA) (1948) suggest the following criteria:
a) Position involving intellectual activity.
b) Position the torso to cultivate a special science.
c) professional position that requires a long preparation (compared with work that requires a mere general practice).
d) Position requires a 'training in office' is ongoing.
e) Position a promising career and life of permanent membership.
f) Position that determines the standard (default) itself.
g) Position is more concerned about service above personal gain.
h) Position of professional organizations that have a strong and interwoven.
Now the further question is whether all of these criteria can be met by a teaching position or by a teacher? Let's see one by one.
a. Position Involving Intellectual Activity
It was obvious that the position of teachers meet this criterion, because teaching involves the efforts that are highly dominated intellectual activity. More information can be observed, that the activities by members of this profession is the basis for the preparation of all other professional activities. Therefore, teaching is often referred to as the mother of all professions (Stinnett and Huggett, 1963).
b. Position who wrestle the Special Body Science
All positions have a monopoly of knowledge that separates mcreka members of the laity, and enabled. They held gawasan about his position. The members of a profession that builds iimu charge of the field of their expertise and to protect people from abuse, amateurs who are not educated and groups who want to make a profit (ie persons who are not responsible for the opening practice physicians). However, there is no agreement about areas of science that underlie special education (education) or teacher (tleaching) (Ornstein and Levine, 1984).
There are various opinions about whether the teaching meets both these requirements. Those working in the field of education stated that teaching has developed a specialized field clearly very important in preparing teachers who are authorities. Conversely, some argue that teaching does not have specific knowledge torso described scientifically. The first group believes that teaching is a science. (Science), while the second group said that teaching is a troubleshooting (art) (Stinnett and Huggett, 1963). However, in articles written in the Encyclopedia of Educational Research, for example, there is evidence that teaching job has been intensively developed torso science in particular (the third edition of the 1960 edition, for example, expands lebfh than 1500 pages of research results, as evidence that the teaching profession has developed torso, especially science. Each year we can read thousands of pages of new research report published everywhere, either as a dissertation or research results of the executors of education). Conversely there is also the opinion kihwa science education is in crisis of identity, the torso lidak clear, blur boundaries, its structure as a body of knowledge vague (Sanusi et al., 1991). Sementera it, science pi'iigetahuan behavior (behavioral sciences), natural science, and health can be guided directly by the extensive regulation and procedure and using a clear methodology. Science education is less well defined. In addition, science is used in the real world of teaching is still a lot of validation that has not been tested and approved most of the experts (Gideonse, 1982, and Woodring, 1983).
As a result, many people especially the laity, as well as with the experts, always argue and disagree, sometimes even causing a negative conversation. Other results from the field of science that has not been well defined this is the content of teacher education curriculum is different from one place to another place, although it has been started likened to determine the core topics that must exist in the curriculum.
Many teachers in high school and expected to teach outside the field of science that fits with diplomas, for example, many math teachers are not getting a major in mathematics when he learned in teacher education institutions, or they are not prepared to teach mathematics. This problem is very prominent in the field of mathematics dar. natural science, although already somewhat diminished by the existence of an adequate supply of teachers today.
Whether a particular science teacher is also determined by the standard of education and training? Until now, many teacher education that is determined from above, there is time enough two-year education course, there should be three years or four years.
To go to a professional position, teachers must have considerable influence in making decisions about their own position. Teacher organization must have the authority and leadership potential to work together, and not dictated by an interest group, for example by teacher education institutions or regional offices of education and culture and their staffs.
c. position that the Old Requires Preparation Exercises
Again there is disagreement about this. what distinguishes a professional position with non-professionals among others are in progress through the education curriculum, which is subject to the university / institute or through practical experience and apprenticeship or a mixture of apprenticeship and college. The first, which provided education through college for a professional position, while the second one, namely education through practical experience and apprenticeship and apprenticeship or a mixture of lectures intended for non-professional positions (Ornstem and Levine, 1984). But this second type does not exist anymore in Indonesia.
Members of the group of teachers and education authorities in the department of the National believes that the professional preparation for a long time very need to educate teachers in charge. This concept explains the necessity to meet college curriculum, which consists of general education, professional, and special, at least four years for novice teachers (SI in LPTK), or education professional preparation in LPTKs at least for a year after obtaining the academic degree of SI in college non-LPTKs. However, to date in Indonesia, it is still a lot of the old teacher education they are very short, in fact there are only a week, so of course the quality is still very much in order to meet the requirements that we expect.
d Position in Position Requires Continuous Exercise
Position of teachers tend to show strong evidence as (abatan professional, because teachers do almost every year bcrbagai professional training activities, whether they get credit or no credit prnghargaan. In fact, at the present time a variety of additional professional education of teachers followed in equated himself with qualifications have been determined.
Viewed from this lens, clear criteria to these four positions can Jipenuhi for teachers in our country.
E Position Promising Career and Life of Permanent Membership
Perhaps overseas as a career requirement permanent professorship is the weakest point in claiming that teaching is a professional position. Many new teachers who only lasted one or two year course in the teaching profession, after that they moved the work into other areas, promising more pay a higher rate. Fortunately, in Indonesia it seems not so many teachers who move to other areas, although it does not mean also that the position of teachers in Indonesia have a high income. The reason may be because employment and move the system a rather difficult position. Thus, this criterion can be met by that of teachers in Indonesia.
The default position Determining Own
Because the professorship intent concerning the people, then the standard for the post of teachers are often not created by members of the profession itself, especially in our country. Baku office of teacher is still very much regulated by the government, or others who use these teachers as a private educational foundation.
While most positions have uniform standards and requirements to ensure the minimum capability required, not the case with the position of teacher. From the experience of recent years LPTK admissions obtained a very strong impression that the scores of prospective students entering teacher education institutions is much lower than the scores of candidates who go into other fields. This problem has also caused the results of teacher education in the future, because somehow the quality of graduates will be strongly influenced by the quality of inputs or raw materials, in this case the quality of the applicant institution
In each position the profession each group member is considered able to make professional decisions related to climate kcrjanya. These professionals usually make their own rules in the area of competence, customs and traditions associated with ili-effective oversight on matters relating to work and matters relating to the subscription (the client) it. Actually, outside supervision is the natural enemy of the profession, because it limits the power of professions and opened the door to outside influence (Ornstein and Levine, 1984).
Doctors and lawyers for example, provide service to the community, while his client to pay for it, but nobody expects that the crowd or the client will write a prescription or a written contract. If the client is influence the decisions of the practice of doctors or lawyers, the professional-client relationship ended. This essentially means keeping the client from prey to ignorance, as well as keep the profession from which no rational assessment of the client or the general public
Peter Blau and W. Richard Scott (1965: 51-52) writes:
"Professional service ... That requires the [professional] maintain the independence of judgment and not permit the clients' wishes as distinguished from Their interests to influence his decisions."
These professionals must have the knowledge and skills to make an assessment, otherwise not so with the client, written scbagaimana Blau and Scott,
"And the clients are not qualified to evaluate the services he needs." Professionals who allow customers to say what he should do will fail in providing optimal service.
What about teachers? Teachers, as already stated also above, on the contrary allow parents, principals, district office officials, or other community members say what they do. Professional autonomy does not mean that there is absolutely no control over the professional. Conversely, this means that the control that requires technical competence can only be done by people who have the professional ability in that regard.
It seems to the present in accordance with the conditions that exist in our country, this criterion can not be met by the overall professorship.
g. Position that emphasizes Service Above Personal Gain
Teaching positions are positions that have a high social value, no doubt. Good teachers will greatly contribute in a better life than citizens of the future.
Professorship has been universally known as an occupation whose members are motivated by a desire to help others, not caused by economic or financial gain. Most teachers choose this position based on what is considered good by those that get spiritual satisfaction rather than economic or physical satisfaction. However, this does not mean that teachers should be paid less but also do not expect to get rich quick when choosing professorship. Therefore, there was no doubt that these seven requirements can be met properly.
Source Books Work Teaching Profession Soetjipto Prof. and Drs Ralis Kosasi, M.Sc.

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