Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010


KUD role in saving foreign exchange receipts and can be seen from exports and savings through import substitution crops. Agricultural commodities are exported so far including coffee, crude palm oil (CPO), rubber, camphor, wood, rattan and results of fishery and horticulture products. In addition bebrapa agricultural products that had been imported by Indonesia, has now also successfully produced in the country such as milk, rice, soybeans, and some types of fruit.
KUD involvement both in exports and in
substitute imported products such as the provision of production inputs,
production, processing and marketing has also been felt. In
export support activities KUD prominent role to
seen in the processing of coffee, rubber and fisheries. Whereas
in support of import, the most prominent events in KUD
the dairy cooperatives.
KUD role in encouraging savings for investment to
seen from the record of average economic growth of 7% per year.
To achieve this condition is very necessary investment funds
large. The amount required and not just rely
foreign loans, but more important is
explore funding sources from within the country. That means donations
agricultural sector in the development of investment can take place
through property tax, public savings and
changes in terms of trade. What can be done by KUD
is moving the public savings through savings activities
and loans that can be done through the unit and the savings and loan
Cooperative Savings and Loans (KSP). Through this loan service
in accordance with the 1996 data has been collected approximately
Rp. KUD 138 billion by 4479.
While the role of cooperatives in increased revenue
society can be seen from the various production facilities with
low price. On the other hand KUD market production
farmers with relatively higher prices. Thus through
KUD role of farmers' income is expected to continue
Although the quantitative and qualitative role of the KUD
large enough to support agricultural development, but there
constraints faced. Especially in times of
future, in addition to the era of globalization, development
agriculture will also be more limited. As we know,
growth in the agricultural sector is not more than 3.5 percent per
year, while the industrial sector has grown at over 11 per cent
per year. It required the presence of KUD that contribute more
dynamic than in the past to support development
agriculture so as not to stagnate. Relative to
, the development of cooperatives need to continue established,
enhanced, deepened and expanded in the period
further development.
KUD need to be strengthened to become efficient institutions and
modern managed-professionals to be able to face
challenges and exploit opportunities in the era of globalization
characterized by increasing competition. We believe, just
efisienlah institutions that will be able to survive
face competition. For why should we seek to KUD
able to exploit comparative advantage in rural areas become
competitive advantage. KUD should be able to identify and
become commodities in the countryside as the "core of business"
in the future.
In the future, KUD must improve competitiveness with
create new sources of competitive advantage. If
usual in the business world to develop the concept of non-competitiveness
prices, cooperatives must also develop the same concepts
through differentiation of services, target markets more
focused and comprehensive measures of cost efficiency on each line
We dream to become an institution for KUD
entrepreneurship development for members and specifically
be: (a) the service center for rural masyaralat; (b) place
save and borrow money, (c) food safety agency
and finally (d) contribute to the alleviation
Many challenges still faced by the current KUD
generally include: (1) difficulties in accessing or
expand the market, (2) constraints in the capital structure and
in accessing sources of capital, (3) constraints in
mastery and use of technology; (4) difficulties in the field
organization and management, and (5) constraints in the expansion
business networking and business cooperation. If pressed again then
various constraints are derived from low quality source
human resources (HR). That's why the development strategy KUD
designed to overcome the weaknesses of the quality of human resources and the various dimensions that follow, concerning the following matters:
1. Corrections and familiarization entrepreneurship
2. Village Development of Intelligent Technology
3. Development of a national business partnership, and
4. KUD Development Mandiri Inti.
Of the four strategies, namely the three strategies
memasyaratkan and civilize kewiraushaan, smart village
technology, and partnerships, has been proclaimed by the president as
national movement. Then be followed by implementation
in the field simultaneously and integrated. Specifically
entrepreneurship directed toward growing willingness
includes the spirit, work ethic and high discipline, and attitude
entrepreneurial behavior as superior. While rural development
intelligent technology, aimed at improving human resource capability
in the mastery of skills in the field of business (business skills) for
become a professional in his field. Through a growing willingness
and increased capacity is expected to improve
quality human resources cooperation.
Simultaneously, institutional issues also need
serious attention. In this case, small businesses
owned and managed by farmers, fishermen, craftsmen,
traders and others need to be collected in institutional
cooperatives so that by exploiting these synergies will
accumulate and become larger through partnership programs.
The conceptual, cooperation must be grown from
bottom, from the community itself (bottom-up approach),
based on the need to realize common interests. In this case, the government has sought the development of cooperatives to keep it out of goals to be achieved. But in its development, in fact most institutions must be driven from the top of the KUD, starting with the initiative of the government (top down approach).
Of the two approaches, there arose the conception that
ideal, namely the desire that grows from the bottom which is supported by
guidance from above. The second meeting of this approach will
stabilize the structure and activities of the organization in achieving KUD
desired goals. This approach will strengthen the structure
and activities of the organization in achieving its goals KUD
desired. This approach is taken by the government considering
KUD vital function in the development of economy
countryside. This approach is also dilakuakn by countries
others in development, both agricultural and
Another development that has to do with the development
community. Therefore, the government has an interest
and is obliged to assist, encourage, guide and
directing cooperatives through various forms of strategies and intervention
other hand.
In addition to the three strategies mentioned
previously, the development of cooperatives is also done through
KUD development Mandiri Inti. KUD Inti Mandiri is expected
can be a motivator or hyper development of other cooperatives in
With this approach are expected to give KUD
contribution to the implementation of economic development programs
countryside through activities that are not only concentrated in
agricultural sector, but also in other sectors such as
industry, trade, transport, electricity and others.
Through KUD Inti Mandiri, is expected to be formed strong networks between VUC in order to enhance business development and service to its members, who are mostly in rural communities.
KUD Development Mandiri Inti expected to play
as a booster to further enhance the ability of members of KUD
most of which are small businesses. KUD Mandiri Inti
also has Smart Village Movement Technology (GDCT) for
improve productivity and efficiency in development
With this approach, besides its members would
more advanced, in the end it KUD will be more powerful and
able to play a role in realizing the maximum economic ideals
national. At the same time, KUD also be ready to enter the arena

Entering Coop Empowerment Strategy Globalization
National development that we've done so far,
especially during the New Order has yielded results quite
encouraging. These results can be seen from figure
macro economy such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
amounting to an average of 7% more per year, per capita income
reached U.S. $ 1,000 more, poverty dropped dramatically from 70%
at the beginning of Pelita I (65 million people) to 11% of total
total population in 1996 (22 million people).
Simultaneously, the results of development in the field
others are also quite successful. For example we have successfully reduced
dependence on oil and gas (oil) with
increasing role of non-oil in our economy in
agriculture appeal, we have also succeeded in achieving self-sufficiency
Special development in the field of cooperatives and small entrepreneurs coaching is an integral part of national economic development, we also recorded several successes in the same period.
In urban areas as a picture, until the end of the month
June 1997 has to be realized as many as 3336 employees Mandiri
consists of 1904 employees and 1432 cooperative urban cooperative
other. In each municipality has been established at least 1 (one)
Urban Cooperative Independent. Then we have also seen
cooperatives that have made it into the middle of business criteria
with a turnover in ats USD. 1 billion, of which there are
1541 and 1203 non-KUD KUD.
From the quantitative and qualitative data mentioned above, it can be concluded that the cooperative has grown and developed into a modern economic institutions and professionally managed and have bright prospects.
Therefore, the cooperative then managed to make employers
small increases. In 1993 the number of small businesses achieve
34.2 million expanding in various sectors, among others: sector
63.6% agriculture, trade, hotels and restaurants
17.4%; manufacturing sector 7.5%; and sector
others as much as 11.5%.
Until the year 1996 has to be realized 37.188
medium employers outside the agricultural sector; 9541 entrepreneurs
small independent; and 4.6 million small businesses strong. It is estimated that we need at least 50,000 medium businesses for a national structure to solid.
Observing the results mentioned above, it is probably not
excessive if we are not in place that criticism of
some observers claim that the cooperatives and small and medium enterprises we are not making progress and are very behind compared to the BUMS and SOEs. There's even an observer who compares it with the progress made by cooperatives and small and medium enterprises in developed countries.
Criticism like that is very misleading, disproportionate and
course must be straightened. It must be realized, that the benchmarks
the success of cooperatives and small and medium enterprises significantly
different from the measure for success BUMS and SOEs. Different
with the BUMS who have the motivation to pursue profit
maximum and SOEs are more concerned about stability, cooperation
basically put the interests of stability and
welfare of its members and the distribution of development and
Based on such motivation, cooperative inevitably
must deal with objective conditions of its members, among others:
economic potential is very small; a farmer only
have an average of 0.2 ha of productive land, a rancher only
have an average of 2 cows, or an average of 5 chickens. Not yet
Again, the business is handled by the cooperative members
generally provide little added value as well as
they engaged in labor intensive sectors with technology
very simple. There are also some observers who
suggested that cooperative membership is more selective, only
people who have sufficient economic potential.
Of course behind the suggestion is they think that the cooperative
can grow larger and faster than what has been achieved
so far. However, this suggestion is not entirely correct because
cooperative membership must remain open.
Everything is given to show us that all this is far more effective and cooperative role in the equity, while the SOE BUMS and each plays a role in the growth mission.
So, it can be stated that progress benchmarks
cooperatives should be viewed holistically. If the benchmarks are only
partially from one side only, the image tends to bring
cooperatives that are less good. However, we do not close
subject to various criticisms that are constructive. Even
frequently, such criticism can strengthen our base in
find direction and wisdom which the next development.
With the provision of experiences and results that have been collected, we
more convinced that the basis for the next big step
looked the stronger. Therefore, the following described some
main points about the future.
Today we observed a rapid change and
hit the entire world. Changes occur in a pattern referred to
interaction of economic and trade relations between countries.
The occurrence of these changes result from advances in the field
communications and information technology as well as the agreement
multilateral GATT on 15 April 1994 in Marrakes.
Simultaneously, the world also witnessed the formation of regional economic cooperation that produces kesepakatankesepakatan about the growing trade and free investment, such as AFTA, 2003 and APEC 2030.
Trade and investment system is increasingly free and open economic actors require Indonesia to have a performance more efficient and productive with a high level of competitiveness. The government also demanded to be tough that will no longer use the old system that only benefits big business.
Internal problems that we face in particular that
concerning cooperatives also not small. Problem is on
essentially rooted in the weaknesses in terms of quality human resources and
Institutional Cooperation. For example, 90% more than the entire business
small, medium and cooperative managers just enjoy
elementary education.
Along with environmental change strategies and conditions
last objective, the vision of the proper development of cooperatives and
realistic is how to improve the performance and competence
cooperatives so as to develop and master the market
domestic. Then the base was able to develop resources
higher global competitiveness. We have a population of over 200 million
the natural potential is quite large. Thus, effort-
community efforts to love domestic products in the same
with improved service and quality should continue to be done.
By emphasizing mastery of vision and development of domestic markets, then through the learning process in the country are expected to gradually co-operatives are able to build its global competitiveness. In other words, the macro level, we should be able to develop a competitive advantage in the national business world based on cooperative advantages we have.
Furthermore, the performance of cooperatives that were colored by the level of
efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness, is a necessary condition
to create a strong national economy and
independent national defense as well as strong and steady.
With such performance, the economic structure
was very weak middle layer (hollow Midle) will be
stronger with the growing number of medium entrepreneurs. And
eventually we no longer need to worry about the problems
inequality, poverty and globalization. Therefore,
The next challenge is how we collectively
assembled all the potentials and resources that we have had
utilized and developed in order to maximize
enhance performance and competitiveness of cooperatives.
However, the time required is also long enough
(25 years), especially with a sufficient number of cooperative
large, and spread that included all sectors of the economy. By
So, with all the limitations that exist, for the period
short and medium, the role and position will tersebit
prioritized the sectors of agribusiness / agro-industry, handicraft
people, and supporting industries ainnya. In order to stare the
next question, we need 3 (three) basic strategy
1. Disseminating and entrepreneurship
2. Development of intelligent technology village; and
3. Development of a national business partnership.
All three strategies have been launched as a national movement, which then needs to be followed by implementation on the ground simultaneously and integrated.
In accordance with Law No. 25 of 1992 concerning
Cooperatives and Law No. 9 of 1995 on Small Business,
government is expected to contribute to foster climate
conducive in the form of regulations and
implementation, so that the third strategy was to simultaneously
implemented. In addition, pemeritah also expected
reinforcement can provide assistance in accordance with
ability so that cooperatives can more quickly grow and
developed. Help and strengthening meant to be between
other funding support, the backup location and line of business.
This basically shows clear evidence alignments
government against the cooperative.
In this regard, we continue to support policies to
to deregulate so that market mechanisms can function
more effective and efficient. In addition, we need deregulation
intended to protect and provide assistance
reinforcement for the interests of the cooperative. However, we also acknowledge
that pretty much rules and policies
determined but their implementation in the field often do not
fully in accordance with the provisions that already exist. For this reason,
consistent implementation should always be made for cooperative
ready to enter an increasingly competitive market. Only with
implementation of a consistent, competitive market can
used by co-operatives in order to improve
welfare of the people.

Cooperative Management in a Competitive Market
Globalization as a phenomenon that eliminates
national borders will lead to the condition of the process
convergence or unification of the various aspects of life.
Various aspects of life tend to lead to a standard
globally, ranging from cultural value system that developed in
community, to business practices and so forth. Process
convergence is accelerated by what is known premises term
Tripple-T Revolution, namely the occurrence of rapid changes
in the field of telecommunications, transportation, and tourism.
In an era of global trade and investment later, each
economic actors and consumers have easy access and
quickly to control inputs, information, technology,
products / services, and transportation. Goods and services available everywhere
which with high quality and low price. So who is
most capable of providing the best service to consumers, will have one important advantage in building capacity competitiveness.
If this global phenomenon we associate the business premises,
the conception of the dimensionless product competition, time and
location, would eliminate national borders. Thus
competition between countries increasingly less important than the
competition among businesses in a variety of scales. Business in
global phenomenon will lead to the formation of business networks
that transcends national borders. Economic resources and values
added generated will also be increasingly free to move following the
rules of business efficiency.
We have entered into AFTA, 2003 and will soon pick up the APEC 2020 as part of the deal we have to take to enter the era of liberalization of trade and investment. Liberalization of trade and investment characterized by the presence of trade liberation of structural barriers, whether in the form of tariffs and barriers in the form of non-tariff. With the loosening of trade and regulation and protection, of economic actors, including co-operatives will face a situation of full market competition.
Now the question we are together, among others: how the cooperative? Could co-operatives will speak in an increasingly competitive arena? What should we do to empower cooperatives? And many more relevant questions we can ask.
In the face of such heavy competition, there are at least 2 (two) important agenda, namely how to:
1) national business including small businesses, medium and
cooperative can be more efficient, productive, and competitive
2) Production of high quality domestic system
distribution more reliable.
In this connection, one of the optimal effort
implement the agenda is that we should
build competitive advantage as much as possible
based on comparative advantage we have. Excellence
comparative have been the mainstay of which is our
availability of vast agricultural resources, the amount of resources
manusai enough, and enough domestic market
Therefore, by improving the quality of human resources
and utilization of appropriate technology, as well as mastery and
development of the domestic market, we will be able to produce
superior products of high added value, especially in
agribusiness sector.
In terms of economic actors, our comparative advantage also
lies in small and medium enterprises including cooperatives
which is quite a big. Therefore, by increasing
accessibility of small businesses, medium enterprises and cooperatives to
qualified human resources, appropriate technology,
market information, and the domestic market, we will have employers
small and medium enterprises and cooperatives are tough and reliable in
Some efforts can be made for the more cooperative
competitive among other things cooperation / partnership, integration
(Horizontal and vertical, including amalgamation), franchising.
Partnerships, both among the cooperative or between cooperatives (as
plasma) with other businesses (as core), is one
The main program Ministry of Cooperatives and KDP. By Partnership
this, cooperatives, small, medium and partners to each other
cooperate on the basis of mutual benefit / need,
so as to generate greater synergy.
Option is required for cooperative partnership potential
but does not have sufficient capability to
leverage its ability and potential of its territory. Presence
element of mutual need between pemitra need to be maintained,
in order that lasted lasting partnerships. Need
attempted, how cooperative to give satisfaction
maximum of its partners. For example, by improving performance
production management and the handling / processing for the resulting
product / service quality, and continuously available
uniforms for its partners. Vice versa, the company
intipun should be able to provide maximum satisfaction for
This partnership management should be implemented by both
parties that partner. For HR, the cooperative must have
appropriate managerial skills to work together with human resources
company's core work with the maximum. Once again, the element
quality of human resources cooperative play an important role
in order to participate actively in the management of business partnerships
This, and better ensure the fulfillment of the needs of both parties
the partnership. Thus will be pursued
the balance of bargaining power between the cooperative and its partners.
Further implication is that it can exploit the dihindarkannya
one by the other party. Such conditions must be maintained for
lasted lasting partnership.
It could be, when will happen globalization of trade and
investments, all land has been taken over by private business is strong,
then the cooperative should be looking for one of the crack business yet
affordable powerful businessmen, especially to strengthen
excellence among others in providing better service
flexible, fast and exciting and can reach market
most remote. For example, to cooperate in marketing
big company products to markets that only
may reach by the cooperative.
Cooperatives also need to strengthen themselves as
suppliers, capable of providing good quality raw materials
with competitive prices, because basically cooperative
have great access to natural resources and humans who exploit these natural resources.
Amalgamation (merger), cooperatives can be reached
as one alternative, especially in improving the bargaining powernya. Due to the amalgamation, the cooperative can increase economies of scale (scale of production) which leads to increased business efficiency. Similarly amalgamation to expand the cooperation network with other business entities, facilitate access to production inputs, processing, marketing, technology and information.
If the amalgamation can be formed rational as possible,
for example between cooperative strong or weak-strong-weak, in
sense, the strength of one another to close the weaknesses (and
vice versa), plus a strong consolidation, then the cooperative can be suppliers, investors, producers and buyers who have strong bargaining power and steady. Further, if necessary can be done financhising with a business entity that best suits the business cooperatives. With this cooperation is expected to form cooperatives to greater access in the mastery of technology, service and marketing of goods / services.
Moreover, the cooperative must cooperate with the agency
education can become a partner for governments in
enhance professionalism manausia resource cooperatives.
Expected from education, training and counseling will be more
more effective and reach a more equitable number of participants
and many, and most importantly they can be utilized by
cooperatives. Education and training, whether conducted in the
and abroad will be more weighted to the charge-
charge of concept and practice, with staff instructors
increasingly meet the demanding needs of cooperatives (consisting instructor
of the drafter and practitioners).
Furthermore, the main goal in developing this program were the youth cadre of cooperatives, both those who dropped out of school as well as new graduates complete their education. Expectations of involvement in youth in entrepreneurship development programs, in addition to creating new entrepreneurs will be in our economic structure, also in order to involve the youth to be able to jump directly into entrepreneurial excellence and / or manage small businesses, medium enterprises and cooperatives .
Surely this is a very positive influence on
coaching and development of cooperatives. Thus, it can be
expected that the professionalism of human resources cooperative
will increasingly be improved, in order to face the era of competition
an increasingly tight and competitive. Improved quality of source
cooperative human resources is very important in building
comparative and competitive advantages to cooperatives.
In building a competitive advantage, HR cooperative
required to efficiently utilize the natural wealth of Indonesia / region
that the way geographical rarely produced by other countries,
processing and marketing. Meanwhile, in order to achieve competitive advantage, HR cooperative effort required to manage as efficiently as possible.
In the face of an increasingly competitive market, cooperatives should continue to be fostered especially in order to determine the appropriate competitive strategy. We are interested in the opinions of Michael E. Porter states that koperasipun as one of the actors in the industrial world, must look at the structure of industry in which he engaged with other competitors.
Cooperatives should be able to look at the power supplier (of
Where cooperatives obtain production inputs), the buyer, the intensity
competition with competitors, as well as threats that come from
prospective new players who want to get into the industry where
co-located and the threat of the goods / service substitutes. If he
wish to successfully compete in an industry with actors
other business.
There are three strategies that can be applied, namely cost
leadership, differention, and focus. Is the future will
defined competitive strategy, which refers to the maximization
efficiency (cost leadership), which typically rely on their products
(Differentiation), or prefer cooperative strategy for
service focuses on the segment (part) certain market
(Focus); depending on the respective operating conditions and structures in which the cooperative work and business.
Moreover, HR cooperatives should continue to be trained to
business sensitivity, especially in selecting and
apply to both competitive strategy that best suits
for him. Necessary educational methods that can
combines the mastery of concepts and mastery of business
practical business. For that, practitioner faculty is absolutely necessary
in every institution of education and training cooperative.
We believe, sometime in the future-especially trade and investment will increasingly globalized koperasilah-only which is the most appropriate forum for the community / small entrepreneurs to be able to speak and act in an increasingly tight business competition and competitive.
This is partly because it is difficult for small entrepreneurs
to be able to manage its business with the scale of production (economies
of scale) are eligible to obtain high efficiency. Thus,
there is no other option except cooperatives for small employers,
let alone a competitor that must be faced is the business entities
domestic and foreign (local, regional and international)
has had a very powerful performance management.
Now only one question that is important to us. We prepared to increase the empowerment of her own in order to meet the third millennium? Of course the answer is to be prepared.

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