Kamis, 16 Desember 2010


Rice is rice, rice food is still a raw food can not be eaten, then terlebihd first be cooked to be eaten and consumed. Rice derived from rice plants at planting by rural farming communities. Before the formation of the first young rice plants grown in fields that have been given a plow and fertilizer by farmers. So the land becomes fertile and contains many elements of nutrients that can fertilize plants. The process of land piracy using the tractor or by menual by using cow or ox dilakukann using traditional tools. Then after the hijacking of paddy before the rice seedlings are planted by the lip of the worker, done in parallel and in sequence with each other to make it easier for farmers to do the weeding. Penyiagan done when the rice has been aged less than three months from the time of planting. Also dilakuka spraying pests and animal wildlife that can affect the productivity of rice yield.
Rice who has stepped on the time of conception must be sprayed to help the process of fertilization. After a period of time spraying and treatment of rice has mengguninng, still need to be safeguards for the rice crop is not destroyed and eaten by wild animals, birds or rodents and is generally the most disturbing is the farming communities planthopper pests and pest grasshoppers.
After the rice has been contained mengguning and then later the harvesting. Rice that has been harvested then deposited and sold to middlemen brokers.
And partly cooked and boiled so that the rice. The process of boiling rice is also known as 'team'. Penanakan needed to evoke the smell of rice and make it softer but still maintained for consistency. Making rice with excess water in the process perebusannya will produce pulp.
Colors that have been cooked rice (cooking) vary depending on the type of rice used. In general, color is white rice when white rice is used. Brown rice or black rice rice will produce a similar color with the color of rice. Low content of amylose in rice starch will produce the rice tends to be more transparent and sticky. Sticky rice, which contains very little starch amylose and amylopectin almost entirely, to have such properties. Japanese rice (japonica) for sushi contains about 12-15% amylose content, so the rice is more sticky than the rice consumed in Tropical Asia, which amilosanya levels around 20%. In general, amylose content of rice by more than 24% will produce rice that 'inflammation' (not sticky, hard, and easily separated.)
Rice is eaten by most people in Asia as the main carbohydrate source in the daily menu. Rice as a staple food usually served with side dishes to complement the taste and also complement one's nutritional needs. Rice can be treated again with other food ingredients into new dishes, like fried rice, yellow rice or rice kebuli. Rice is the staple food can be said for people in Asia, especially Southeast Asia.

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