Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


Studying management theory into a petrified our natural effective manager manage an increasingly complex organization today. Erupakan management discipline that focuses on results that easily implemented. Theory dalah compiled a collection of principles systematically. While the concept is imbol used to describe a certain sense in theory. There are at least 4 (four) reasons for studying the theory of management, among others:
1) The theory of direct management decisions. Studying the theory helps understanding the fundamental processes and to choose an effective action. In essence, a theory is a group of assumptions that coherent / logical, explaining between two or more facts that can be observed. A valid theory, can predict what will happen in certain situations. With this knowledge, to apply different management theories to different situations.
2) The theory of shape our views about the organization. Studying management theory also gives us clues to where we get some idea about the organization and the human part of it.
3) The theory makes us aware of the business environment.
By studying the theory, we can see that every theory is the result of
environment - social, economic, political and technological forces that exist at the time
and the occurrence of certain events. This knowledge will help us
memehami why a particular theory suited to different circumstances.
4) The theory is a source of new ideas.
The theory allows us on one occasion taking a different view of everyday situations. Approach "electic", namely the practice of borrowing principles from different theories, as required by the state of "State of the Art" in theory and practice of management.


There are three streams in management science as follows:

1) Classical School (Streaming Classical) consists of 2 branches:
 Scientific Management (Management Science)
 Classical Organization theory (classical organizational theory)

2) School Behavior / Human Behavior (The flow of Human Relations)
3) Management Science School (Flow Management Science)
 flow of Organizational Behavior
 Flow Operations Research and Management Science


In addition to these three flow management, well developed also approaches include:
1) System approach (Approach System)
2) Contingency approach (Approach Kontengensi)
3) Neo human relations movement (Movement of the New Human Relations)

B. The Classical Management Theories


Before the era of scientific management appears, has occurred in the British industrial revolution
in the 19th century (1800s). This led to the increasing needs of a systematic management approach. Some of the principles of scientific management that has the attention of management problems due to the emergence of the industrial revolution were:
1) James Watt and Mathew Robinson Boulton J

They are the sons of the pioneers who discovered and developed the steam engine. They took the management and Soko Engineering Foundry in
Britain, which their father founded in 1796. Watt was in charge of
organization and administration, and Boulton gave special attention to the seller's and the trade activity.

Managerial techniques developed by two men
 market research and forecasting,
 production planning,
 machine scheme, which is planned in accordance with the demands of work processes, and production standards 
 Standardization of components production.
In the field of accounting and cost, they develop include:  The records detailed statistics and
Advancing  control system, which can cost into account and
profit for each machine that is made and for each department.
In the field of human resources, they develop include:
 Employee Training
 executive development programs,  Work Research,
 Welfare Programme etc.

2) Robert Owen (1771-1858)
Beginning in the 1800s, the early industrial revolution
Robert Owen, a Cotton Spinning Plant Manager at New Lanark, Scotland. Owen stressed the importance of human element in production.
At the time of Owen have hiring practices of children aged 5 or 6 years from the standard 13 hours per day. Touched with working conditions is extremely sad, Owen filed an improvement in the form:
⌦ build employee housing and road building in the environment where employees live
⌦ Trying to improve the environment so that the environment and the plant becomes menariki
⌦ Cooperative consumption for employees, (Founding stores to sell the necessaries of life of employees, selling goods at a price
⌦ Provide food for employees
⌦ restricted minors worker (refuse to perkerjakan children under 10 years)
⌦ Reducing hours of work which was originally 13 hours to 10.5 hours per day
Because of his services, he is referred to as the "Father of Modern Management Personnel"
If other managers more attention to technical improvement, then Owen more attention to workers, because according to Owen, that's an important investment for managers. In addition to the improvement of working conditions, he filed Owen procedures that increase productivity, such as assessment procedures bersaing.juga work openly and publicly.

3) Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
Babbage was a professor of Mathematics and inventor of the calculator and the first computer from Britain, interested in business valuation of a plant operating efficiency, namely by applying scientific principles will be realized increased productivity and lower costs. Babbage first proposed the division of labor based on specialization of workers in accordance mastery
specific skills, work routines made so much easier to be controlled and mechanized by means of a calculator.
In 1822 Charles Babbage find a mechanical calculator, called the Difference Machine (Machine enhancer and a deduction). Underlying principles used in calculating machines almost a century later, the calculator that we know today. Babbage's analytical engine developed a (Analysis Machine) in 1833, namely an automatic computer and have all the basic elements of modern computers, so he was often called the "Father of Computers". From the point of management, known as Babbage
his book "On Economy of Machinery and Manufactures" (1832), he was interested and impressed by:

 The principle of division of labor efficiency and the development of scientific principles, to determine a manager must use the facilities, materials and labor
in order to get my best results.
 The principle of efficiency of the division of tasks, not only for manual work only,
but also to mental activities.
 Very recognize the human, there should be cooperation suggestions
in terms of common interests between workers and factory owners.
 Encourage the sharing of the benefits such a system, so that the
factory workers share in profits, if they participate enyumbang
in increased productivity.
Recommend  workers receive a fixed payment depending on the nature
their work, added to the benefits and added
bonus for any advice they provide to enhance productivity.
His biggest contribution is in the field of cost, technical expertise, and incentives,
based on the belief in specialization and allocation of rewards based on productivity.


1) Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915)
In 1903 preparing a book entitled "Shop Management", in 1911 preparing a book entitled "The Principles of Scientific Management" and in 1912 to compile a book entitled "Testimory Before the Special House Committee" These three books are combined in a book with the title "Scientific Management" in 1947.
His book is arranged in Midvale and Bethlehem Steel Company. Co. in Pensilvania, Amarika States. In company he is as a mechanical engineer. His great work that made him known as the father of Scientific Management.
Taylor, who is famous for its scientific management include increased productivity due to the high cost of skilled labor in the United States in the early 20th century. Gerakanya famous for its working efficiency movement. To answer various questions such as whether there is one best way of working "the one best way of doing the job" he asked a group of principles that became ininya scientific management. Taylor is famous for its plan to stimulate the lawyer hired a "differential rate system", which generate the falling cost and increasing productivity, quality, employee earnings and employee morale.
Taylor's philosophy behind the concept lies above 4 principles known as
"Four basic principles of Taylor's" namely:
 Development of Scientific Management is right can be used to determine the best method for performing each task.
 Selection of employees with a scientific way, employees are given responsibility for tasks that match their skills.
 Education and development of employees with a scientific way.
 relationship of close cooperation between management and employees.
To apply these four principles, Taylor requires the need for a mental revolution among managers and employees.
The basic principles that he thinks the underlying scientific management approach
⌦ Replacing a perfunctory manner with science (the systematic knowledge).
⌦ Ensuring harmony in the movement of groups and instead
⌦ Achieving human cooperation and is not a chaotic individualism.
⌦ Work for maximum output and not the output is limited.
⌦ develop all employees to the extent that the highest, for
maximum welfare of their own and their company.
Taylor's followers who stand out are: Carl George Borth, Henry L. Gantt, Frank & Lillian Gilbreth and Edward A. Filane.

2) Henry L. Gantt (1861-1919)

Gantt reconsider the system
Taylor stimulants, by introducing a bonus system daily and an extra bonus to the foreman. Every worker who can solving tasks assigned to him in a day are entitled to receive bonuses.
He also introduced the system of "Charting" famous for "Gantt Chart" which contains the schedule of production employees in order to avoid waste.
Each employee progress recorded on individual cards, to assess their work. Gantt elicits stressed the importance of reciprocal interest between management and employees, that is harmonious. He underlines the importance of teaching, developing understanding of the system on the part of employees and management, as well as the need for recognition that "in all management issues most important human element."
Gantt's most famous for developing graphical methods in
describe the plans and allow for control
managerial better. He also stressed the importance of time and cost
in planning and controlling work. These generate the
creation of "Gantt Chart" is famous for. The scheme was a pioneer teknikl-modern techniques such as PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique).
3) The Gilbreths (Frank B. Gilbreth: 1868-1924 and Lillian Gilbreth: 1878-1972).
The husband and wife are working to learn aspects of fatigue and motion (fatique and motion studies). Besides, Lilian is also interested in the effort to help workers, according to Lilian, the ultimate goal of scientific management is the effort to help employees view the full capabilities as human beings.
Gilbreth Concept: Movement and fatigue related. Any steps that can generate the motion to reduce fatigue, this could increase employee morale. This couple is also famous for the concept of the "Three position plan of promotion" (Plan of the three position for a promotion),
According to this concept every employee has three roles namely as actors, students and coaches are constantly looking for new opportunities. At the same employees doing the job today, he was also preparing himself for higher office and train a replacement (be a DOER, a learner and
teacher). Lillian Gilbreth attention focused on the human aspects of work and attention to her husband on the efficiency of efforts to find a way to only carry the best in his particular task. In applying the principles of scientific management, employees should view and understand their personalities and needs. Discontent among workers due to lack of attention from management to workers.
Many benefits and services provided by Scientific Management, but one thing is forgotten by this management, the social needs of people in a group, because too prioritizing profits and economic and physical needs of companies and employees. This flow forgetting employee job satisfaction as an ordinary human.

Donations  Scientific Management Theory
1) The methods developed can be applied to a variety of activities
2) The techniques of efficiency (time and motion studies) has not menyadar managers
that the physical motion and the tools used in performing his duty to be efficient.
3) Emphasis on employee selection and development of a scientific way
shows the importance of ability and training factor in improving
effectiveness of an employee.
4) Scientific Management that emphasizes the importance of encouraging working draft
managers find the best way for execution of tasks.
5) Scientific Management not only develop the rational approach in
solve organizational problems, but more than that of scientific management
shows the way towards the professionalization of management.

 Limitations of Scientific Management Theory
1) Increasing production is not accompanied by an increase in revenue.
2) high wages and good working conditions not only caused by
increase corporate profits.
3) Relationship management and employees remain distant.
4) Looking at the human as something rational, that can only be motivated
with the satisfaction of economic needs and physical. This flow does not look
social needs of employees. In other words, it ignores the flow of frustration and tension that will be experienced by employees when they can not meet
their social needs.
5) Ignoring the human need to get satisfaction from their work.

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