Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010


Central Bank is an institution that has an important role in the economy, especially in monetary affairs, finance and banking. This is apparent from the function and purpose of the Central Bank that is not identical with commercial banks, savings banks and other financial lembanga. Objectives, tasks and authority senteral bank in a country different from the others, depending on the social structure, politics and economics of each country. Viewed from the authority, the composition of organizational units within the central bank basically consists of two levels, namely the highest autority, ie units that have the highest authority and the second level, second level which has authority under the highest.
There are three agencies that have the highest authority in the organization's bank
central which can be expressed as follows:
1. Policy-making body
2. Implementing agency policies
3. The regulatory body.
Policy-making body
the organization of central banks generally shaped Council (Council) and
in formulating policies, decision set based on majority vote.
Implementing agency policies
are the units / agencies within the central bank organization that is empowered to implement and realize the policies already set by policy-making body.
The regulatory body
is a unit within the organization who has the task of central banks and
authority to conduct supervision and inspection at the central bank.
Function of Bank Sentaral
Central bank is basically responsible for maintaining monetary system in order
can work efficiently, so as to ensure the creation of the growth rate of credit / money supply as required to achieve the expected economic growth without causing inflation. In addition, the central bank responsible for managing, protecting and maintaining the stability of the rupiah. In performing this task, the central bank to do it by using the tools / instruments of monetary wisdom as:
a. Politics Discounts
b. Political Open Market Operations
c. Political Changes in the Minimum Reserves
d. Margin Requirement
e. Moral Suasion

Bank Indonesia
in the Act N0. 23 of 1999 states that the purpose of Bank Indonesia is to achieve and maintain rupiah stability. Vision Bank Indonesia central bank is an institution that can be trusted nationally and internationally by strengthening the strategic value that is owned and achieving low and stable inflation.
Bank Indonesia's mission as outlined in the Governor's decision No.
4/22Kep/GBI/INTERN/2002 June 28, 2002 is a purpose, duties and authority of Bank Indonesia, as mandated in the law on Bank Indonesia. In other words the Bank Indonesia's mission is to achieve and maintain rupiah stability by maintaining monetary stability and development of financial system stability for long-term national development sustainable. For Bank Indonesia, the formulation of the vision is expected to assist the organization in:
1. Establish and maintain consistency, and clarity of organizational goals
2. Provide reference to planning and decision making process
3. Getting kemitmen the members of the Board of Governors and all employees through clear communication about organizational tasks, and
4. Getting support and understanding from the parties concerned on the implementation of organizational tasks.
In addition to vision and mission, Bank Indonesia has a strategic value that consists of:
1. Competence (competency)
2. Integrity (integrity)
3. Transparency (Transparency)
4. Accountability (accountability)
5. Cohesiveness
6. payment. In line with these tasks, the organization of Bank Indonesia are grouped into three main sectors:
1. Monetary Sector
2. Banking Sector
3. Sector payment system
4. Internal management sector (as supporters)
5. Law No.23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia has provided a good foundation (conducive) in creating a credible policy of Bank Indonesia. The law has clearly established that the objectives of Bank Indonesia as already mentioned. Next in the Law of Bank Indonesia (UUBI) assigned the task of Bank Indonesia as:
1). To formulate and implement monetary policy,
2). Set up and maintain the smoothness and payment system
3). Regulate and supervise banks.
Strategic Objectives of Bank Indonesia
For the medium and long term strategic goals set seven banks
1. Achieving price stability, by maintaining appropriate levels of inflation targets at the range and an acceptable period of time through research, policy formulation and effective operation of monetary control
2. Creating a sound banking system and effective, by improving and seeing the stability of the banking and soundness of individual banks through research, policy formulation, regulation, guidance, supervision and effective system of banking information
3. Ensure the safety and efficiency of payment systems, namely by improving safety, efficiency and effectiveness of the national payment system, through policy, regulation and effective control, which is supported by a reliable technology
4. Achieved a positive image both internally and externally, that is well known in Indonesia and international central bank as an institution capable, trustworthy, and reliable through a major contribution to stability and economic growth in Indonesia
5. Improve coordination and networking with those who berkepntingan sperti sawasta government agencies and both domestic and international, through dialogue and
continuous open communication
6. Being a knowledge-based organization, that is by realizing the organization that is able to control, develop and disseminate the relevant knowledge to all the organizations that are supported by information technology through policy and regulatory organizations
7. Developing an effective mnusia resources and highly competent, namely by improving the knowledge, skills and integrity of Bank Indonesia employees, through coaching, training, providing opportunities and programs are effective and sustainable development.
Bank Indonesia Head Office
Organiasai Bank Indonesia consists of units of work at the Head Office
in accordance with the distribution sector.
1. Monetary Sector
2. Banking Sector
3. Sector Payment System
4. Internal Management

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