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Minggu, 02 November 2014

LOMBA BLOG : Bojonegoro Sehat, Produktif dan Bahagia

Dalam rangka Hari Blogger Nasional ke 7 dan Hari jadi bojonegoro ke 337. Dinas komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Bojonegoro bekerjasama dengan Komunitas Blogger Bojonegoro menyelenggarakan lomba nge-Blog dengan tema “BOJONEGORO SEHAT, PRODUKTIF, DAN BAHAGIA”. Cakupan Temanya Antara lain:
  1. “LINGKUNGAN BERSINAR (Bersih, Indah, Sehat & Rapi)”
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Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Pentingnya TI Dalam Pendidikan

Teknologi informasi serta Komunikasi dewasa ini berkembang cepat menurut deret ukur. Dari tahun ke bulan, dari bulan ke minggu, dari minggu ke hari, dari hari ke jam, dan dari jam ke detik! Oleh karena itulah para cerdik-cendekia sepakat pada suatu argumen, bahwa: informasi memudahkan kehidupan manusia tanpa harus kehilangan kehumanisannya.

Manusia tidak bisa lepas dari pendidikan yang sebenarnya juga merupakan kegiatan informasi, bahkan dengan pendidikanlah informasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dapat disebarluaskan kepada generasi penerus suatu bangsa.

Pengaruh dari Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terhadap dunia pendidikan khususnya dalam proses pembelajaran. Menurut Rosenberg (2001), dengan berkembangnya penggunaan Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ada lima pergeseran di dalam proses pembelajaran yaitu:

» Pergeseran dari pelatihan ke penampilan,

» Pergeseran dari ruang kelas ke di mana dankapan saja,

» Pergeseran dari kertas ke “on line” atau saluran,

» Pergeseran fasilitasfisik ke fasilitas jaringan kerja,

» Pergeseran dari waktu siklus ke waktu nyata.

Sebagai media pendidikan komunikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan media-media komunikasi seperti telepon, komputer, internet, e-mail, dsb. Interaksi antara guru dan siswa tidak hanya dilakukan melalui hubungan tatap muka tetapi juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan media-media tersebut.

Dengan adanya teknologi informasi sekarang ini guru dapat memberikan layanan tanpa harus berhadapan langsung dengan siswa. Demikian pula siswa dapat memperoleh informasi dalam lingkup yang luas dari berbagai sumber melalui cyber space atau ruang maya dengan menggunakan komputer atau internet. Hal yang paling mutakhir adalah berkembangnya apa yang disebut “cyber teaching” atau pengajaran maya, yaitu proses pengajaran yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan internet. Istilah lain yang makin poluper saat ini ialah e-learning yaitu satu model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media teknologi komunikasi dan informasi khususnya internet.

E-learning merupakan satu penggunaan teknologi internet dalam penyampaian pembelajaran dalam jangkauan luas yang belandaskan tiga kriteria yaitu:

» E-learning merupakan jaringan dengan kemampuan untuk memperbaharui, menyimpan, mendistribusi dan membagi materi ajar atau informasi,

» Pengiriman sampai ke pengguna terakhir melalui komputer dengan menggunakan teknologi internet yang standar,

» Memfokuskan pada pandangan yang paling luas tentang pembelajaran di balik paradigma pembelajaran tradisional. (Rosenberg 2001; 28)

Pada saat ini e-learning telah berkembang dalam berbagai model pembelajaran yang berbasis TIK seperti: CBT (Computer Based Training), CBI (Computer Based Instruction), Distance Learning, Distance Education, CLE (Cybernetic Learning Environment), Desktop Videoconferencing, ILS (Integrated Learning Syatem), LCC (Learner-Cemterted Classroom), Teleconferencing, WBT (Web-Based Training), dsb.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011


The following description is to answer the question, how do students learn? By understanding this description, teachers (we) can adjust the implementation of student learning conditions. Is not the provision should be harmonized with those who will receive a gift that can benefit optimally, and not vice versa.
Learning models mentioned in the title above is a variety of ways, learning styles of students in learning activities, either in class or in his daily life among fellow friends or older people. By understanding these learning models, it is expected the teachers (we all) can be efficiently membelajarkan students so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively.
There are various models of learning that will be discussed, namely:

1. Mind Map
Buzan (1993) suggested that the human brain works to process information through observing, reading, or hearing about something in the form of functional relationships between parts (concepts, key words), is partially separated from each other nor in narrative form complete sentences. For example, if there are words in our minds (the concept) Bajuri, it will be linked to other functional words, such as fat, driver bajay, funny, simple, or to another character Oneng, Ema, Ucup, Hind, and others with each character. Similarly, the word in our minds flashed FKIP Langlangbuana University Bandung would be associated address, officers, lecturers and administrative staff, and great appreciation for lectures per-credits. You please try to write / illustrate a mind map about Bajuri and FKIP Unla above. If it was made editor of the narrative would be no difference, although with different meanings that are not.
Your expertise in the field of study, for example, take one lesson material in Mathematics, Accounting, Religion, or the other. Please make (write-image) that comes to mind map and then narasikan orally. Writing or drawing a mind map is called a concept map (concept map).
Furthermore, Buzan suggests that student learning is a natural (natural) is in accordance with the way the brain works as above in the form of the mind. Whose products form a concept map. Thus, learning to be effective by creating a record which is a creative concept map, so that every major concepts being studied are all identified and missed no obvious functional relationship, then narrated in the style of each language. Thus, the concept received a strong retention in the mind, easy to remember and concepts developed in the other. Learn to memorize the complete sentence would not be effective, in addition to the language used to use style writers. Given that, serving teachers in the learning must also be conditioned form of concept maps dish, seasoned teacher with a creative narrative.
Furthermore, Buzan suggests that the ability of the human brain can process information in the form of the language as much as 600-800 words per minute. With the ability of the brain as compared with computer skills is very high. If it is really used optimally, every occasion can be used for learning in all things. Only unfortunately many people ignore or are used for things that are less useful for self-improvement, such as daydreaming, watching, chatting or joking with no meaning. How about you?.

2. Multiple Intelligences
Goldman (2005) suggested that the structure of the brain, as an instrument of intelligence, intelligence quotient divided into the left brain and right brain emotional intelligence. Intelligence-moving flow (flow) between a low boredom when the demands of thought and demands a lot of anxiety in the event. If there is boredom brain will fill it with other activities, if positive will develop reasoning will but if it is filled with negative aktivitasa, such delinquency or reverie, inlah called in vain or mubadzir (at tubadziru minasy-syaithon).
Conversely, if the demands of high brain works will be anxiety-fatigue. This condition will be neutralized by the creation of an environment conducive to relaxation, such as hospitality, gentleness, smiles, laughter, the atmosphere is cozy and fun, or quiet meditation with the principle of submission to the Creator. Thus the left brain activity should be accompanied by the right brain activity.
Nerve cells in the left brain serves as a tool of intelligence that are logical, sequential, linear, rational, orderly, verbal, realities, ideas, abstract and symbolic. While the nerve between the right brain that are associated with intelligence random, intuitive, holistic, emotional, self-awareness, spatial, musical, and creativity. It is important to note bahawa intelkektual intelligence contributes to success of individuals by 20% while 40% of emotional intelligence, her students as much as 40% influenced by other things.
Ary Ginanjar (2002) and Jalaluddin Rahmat (2006) suggests a third intelligence, which is Spiritual Intelligence (conscience-belief) or the nature of intelligence with respect to the values of religious life. As religious people, we should have a high opinion of this intelligence, is not there and there is also taqdir endeavor, there is a demand and expectations of prayer, and worship. Is not peace an individual because of this religious belief.
Gardner (1983) argued about the nature of multiple intelligences mulkti by the acronym Slim n Bill, namely Spacial-visual, Linguistic-verbal, interpersonal, communication, Musical-rithmic, natural, Body-kinestic, Intrapersonal-reflective, Logic-thinking-reasoning.

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Transfer Learning

The term transfer learning derived from English "Transfer of learning" which means the removal or transfer of learning from one lesson to another lesson or of everyday life outside the school environment. The existence of the transfer or diversion of this indicates that there are learning outcomes that are useful in everyday life and in understanding the subject matter to another. Learning results obtained and can be moved tsb. can be knowledge (verbal information), intellectual skills, motor skills or affective etc. When the results of learning (knowledge) which facilitate or assist the previous learning and then it is said to have occurred ransfer learning called positive transfer. For example, biology subject matter easier for students to understand and learn the material geography. Conversely, if the knowledge or experience gained earlier complicate the process of learning that then it says there has been a negative transfer of learning.
In relation to the importance of studying the transfer of teachers in the learning process should provide the study with capabilities that will be useful in everyday life. Pelu therefore created the conditions that allow positive transfer of learning can occur.
What must be considered a teacher for the transfer of learning took place in a positive way? a teacher needs to create conditions conducive to the occurrence tansfer a few things to note are:
Original Si learning ability
Effectiveness / fluency or ease of transfer is much influenced by students' initial ability or knowledge to be the first known or controlled. A transfer can easily occur when students already have the initial capability associated with the material they will be. Therefore, to facilitate the transfer process teachers need to know in advance the ability of beginning students on material that will be taught.
Meaningfulness of material / field of study for the learning
Transfer of learning will occur smoothly if students feel / know the significance of the material being studied for his or her life. A sense of purpose / meaning of the material being studied will be the incentive for students to learn the material they will be. Significance of even this will expedite the transfer process.
How to Teach
Transfers will easily occur when the presentation of the material made by teachers using a variety of interesting and varied matode so exciting and leaving a positive impression for the students. How to teach is related to the ability of teachers to relate the subject matter with the conditions / circumstances that may motivate students to actively engage students in the learning process.
Is there a relationship between transfer of learning with curriculum development? To answer that question there are several views about the nature of learning and what the consequences of curriculum development in schools.
Theory Generalisai
According to this theory of learning transfer is more related to one's ability to capture the main structure, pattern and general principles. If a student is able to capture the concepts, rules and principles to solve problems so that students have a stock that can be transferred to other areas outside their field of study where konsepo, rules and principles were first obtained. So the students are said to be able to make "generalizations" that is able to capture the characteristics or common traits found in a number of special things. Such generalizations have occurred when the students to form concepts, rules, principles and problem-solving strategies. So the similarity between the two fields of study they will be. not contained in specific elements but rather in the pattern, the basic structure and in principle.
The theory of identical elements
This view dipelapori by Edward Thorndike who said that the transfer of learning from one field of study to another field of study or from the experience of daily life occur on the terms of the elements of the same (identical) in both the field study. The more common elements, the greater the transfer of learning. In other words the transfer of learning depends on many elements in common at least. For example, between fields of study algebra and geometry, etc..
According to this theory the essence of the transfer of learning is shifting from mastery of a particular element in another field of study, more and more of the same elements will be even greater occurrence of positive transfer of learning.
Meanwhile, Gagne an educational psychologist said that the transfer can be classified into four categories: positive transfer, negative transfer, vertical transfer and transfer of the Lateran.
Positive transfer can occur in a person when the teacher helped her learn to learn in certain situations and will allow students to learn in other situations. Positive transfer has a good influence for students to learn the material to another.
Experienced a negative transfer of a person if the learning in certain situations have damaging effects on the skills / knowledge learned in other situations. In connection with this teacher seeks to recognize and prevent their students from a particular learning situation that can negatively affect the learning activities in the future.
Transfer vertical (upright); occur in a person if the lesson has been learned in certain situations to help students tsb. mastered the knowledge or skills in a higher or complicated. For example, by mastering the material on the division or multiplication then students will more easily learn the material on rank. In order to obtain the vertical transfer of these teachers are encouraged to explain to students explicitly about the benefits of the material being taught and its relationship to other material. By knowing the benefits of material that will be studied with other materials that will be studied in class higher expected he would follow this lesson more seriously.
Transfer the lateral (sideways) occurred in the student when he was able to use material that has been studied to learn the material that has the same difficulty level in other situations. In this case the change of time and place do not affect the quality of student learning outcomes. For example, students have learned about the additional material, with additional material master then students will more easily learn the material a higher level of division kesilitannya such material. Another example of a STM students have learned about the machine, then he will easily learn the other engine technology that has the elements and the level complexity that is almost the same.

PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) 4.0 - Ragnarok2

Finally, change is also the version that accompanies this Antivirus PCMAV.
It seems to be more interesting if you read my readmenya of the re-write the readme here that you will be able to read in a file that you downloaded.
Just a little information that you download a file type of two shapes. First in the form of zip and in the form of iso.
My form in 2 of this form because usually when we sometimes experienced after extracting the zip is corrupt (damaged) nah other way is to iso. Requirements to run the iso file is first installed Ultra Iso or virtual cd maker software on your PC then right click and then mounted to and please run your PCMAV layakanya you have a CD PCMAV.
1. RTP (RealTime Protector): Now comes integrated with the cleaner so it is easy to Cure / Delete / Quarantine when the virus was detected. This latest generation of RTP has been fully compatible and runs stable on Windows XP, Vista, 7 32-bit. Interception of the files that are infected or suspected of being malware more powerful & real-time with the use of low-level hooking system technology.
2. Block Program on the USB / Card: USB flash disk / card is generally used as a medium for data exchange, but not infrequently infiltrated by malware in the form of executable code. For those of you who do not want to missed malware are active from a USB flash drive / card (such as in an office environment), can activate the option Block Program On USB / Card on PCMAV menu in the system tray.
3. CatchCrypted For EXE / VBS: Commercial programs generally do not use the trusty packer. Conversely, many malware camouflage themselves with the technique encryption / compression using a specific packer that are not easily dismantled. PCMAV can recognize and intercept the files with these criteria (which is often suspicious), by activating the option CatchCrypted For EXE and / or CatchCrypted PCMAV For VBS on the menu in the system tray.
4. Exception: If you have folders / files that are believed to be virus free and is not a malware, you can instruct PCMAV to skip these files from the scan. To use it, you need to write the folder / file into exception.txt file located in the same folder with PCMAV.exe. Examples of the contents of "C: \ New Folder \ file.exe" (no quotes) means providing an exception / exemption on the file named file.exe which is located in the folder C: \ New Folder. Another example, "C: \ backups \" (without the quotes) means providing an exception to all files contained in the folder C: \ backup. Exception.txt protection by enabling the Lock option on the menu PCMAV Exception.txt in the system tray.
5. Supports Proxy: There are times when you need an Internet connection when using the automatic update for PCMAV, PCMAV support the use of the Internet through a proxy that is widely used in office environments and institutions. Configuring the proxy can you type in proxy.txt file with the format: IP | Port | Username | Password.
6. Scan Archives: Malware hidden in compressed ZIP / RAR can also be detected by PCMAV, by selecting Scan Options - Scan archives on the main window PCMAV. The default option is off. It should be noted, the use of this option will slow down the detection process.
7. Context Menu: Menu "Scan with PCMAV" that appear when right click folder / file in Windows Explorer also improvised so you can scan at one or more folders at once, by highlighting the folder / file you want, right click and select "Scan with PCMAV ". Context menu is displayed during PCMAV active in the system tray.
8. UPDATED! Added database and cleaning virus 31 local / foreign / new variants have been spread in Indonesia. Total 3394 virus and its variants.
9. ADDED! Removal special engine to clean thoroughly and FaLoNgel Amis virus variants. And variants of the virus detection engine RunOnce widespread in Indonesia.
10. Improved! Change of name of the virus found a new variant.
11. Improved! Fixes some minor bugs and improved the internal code to ensure that antivirus PCMAV remain the pride of Indonesia.

Know Edward Lee Thorndike

Edward Lee Thorndike (1874 - 1949): Thorndike was born in Wiliamsburg on 31 August 1874 and died in Montrose, New York, on August 10, 1949, is another character than functionalism flow of the Columbia Group. After he completed his studies at Harvard, he worked at the Teacher's College of Columbia under the leadership of James Mckeen Cattell. In a great interest sinlah arise on the process of learning, education, and intelligence. In 1898, at age 24, Thorndike published his book, Animal Intelligence, An Experimental Study of Association Process in Animal. This book is the result of research on behavior Thorndike several species of animals such as cats, dogs, and birds, reflect the basic principle of the learning process adopted

Thorndike, namely that the basis of learning (learning) is actually none other than the association. A stimulus (S), will cause a response (R) specific. This theory is called the S-R theory.
In SR theory dikatan that in the learning process, first organisms (animals, people) learn by trial-and-one (trial and error). Kalau organisms are in a situation that contains a problem, then it will issue a series of organism behavior from a collection of behavior available to it to solve the problem, and based on that experience, then at other times when he faced a similar problem, the organism already know the behavior where yangharus issuance behavior to solve problems. He is associating a particular problem with a particular behavior. A cat, for example, which is inserted in a locked cage, will be moving, walking, jumping, scratching, barking, and so on, until at one point he accidentally stepped on a pedal in the cage so the cage was open. Since then, the cat will immediately step on the pedal when he was put in the same cage.
In the process of learning which follows the principle of trial and this one there are some legal
Thorndike noted:
1. Securities Law (The Law of Effect): The intensity of the relationship between S and R increases when
relationship is followed by a pleasant situation. Conversely, the relationship will berkuran, if followed by an unpleasant situation. Thus, any behavior that produces a particular decision, will be associated with the situation. So, if the situation appears again, then the behavior will appear again.
In the example of a cat in a cage on top, stepped on the pedal behavior will be associated with unpleasant situations because freed from the cage. With this theory can be regarded as adherents of Thorndike understand new associationism. Unlike the old associationism adopted by John Locke and Mills childless father, then a new associationism not connecting between ideas with ideas, but a link between the stimulus with response or responses with the response.
2. Practice of Law (The Law of Exercise) or legal order, not in order (The Law od Use and Disuse): SR relationship can also be caused or encouraged through exercises
yangberulang and over. With demikia, this means also, SR relationship can also
caused or encouraged through the repetitive exercises. Thus, this
also means, SR relationship can be weakened if not trained or done repeatedly.
Because R usefulness of a particular S in the latter case can not
longer perceived or more and more disappear in organsime concerned. In connection with his theory of the Law on Securities, Thorndike to the book written together with other Columbia group leader named Woodworth, Thorndike argued that what had earlier dipelaajri will affect what is learned later.
If it is learned later has much in common with the previous study, it will be a positive transfer terjaid where it yangbaru it will not be too difficult to learn.
For example, people who have never learned to ride horses, do not be too difficult to learn to drive a train ride. Conversely, if the things learned later was learned earlier and there are many differences, it will be difficult to learn things that then were, and here occurred a negative transfer. For example, a
that have been used to write with his left hand for writing with his left hand is entirely different way than writing with his right hand. The principle of this transfer then diamalkannya into the world of education and written in the book Educational Psychology (1903) and because of his achievements Thorndike was finally appointed professor at Teacher's College of Columbia.

Know Edward Lee Thorndike
Edward Lee Thorndike (1874 - 1949): Thorndike was born in Wiliamsburg on 31 August 1874 and died in Montrose, New York, on August 10, 1949, is another character than functionalism flow of the Columbia Group. After he completed his studies at Harvard, he worked at the Teacher's College of Columbia under the leadership of James Mckeen Cattell. In a great interest sinlah arise on the process of learning, education, and intelligence. In 1898, at age 24, Thorndike published his book, Animal Intelligence, An Experimental Study of Association Process in Animal. This book is the result of research on behavior Thorndike several species of animals such as cats, dogs, and birds, reflect the basic principle of the learning process adopted
Thorndike, namely that the basis of learning (learning) is actually none other than the association.
A stimulus (S), will cause a response (R) specific. This theory is called the S-R theory.
In SR theory dikatan that in the learning process, first organisms (animals, people) learn by trial-and-one (trial and error). If organisms are in a situation that contains a problem, then it will issue a series of organism behavior from a collection of behavior on them to solve the problem, and based on that experience, then at other times when he faced a similar problem, the organism already know the behavior where yangharus issuance behavior to solve problems. He is associating a particular problem with a particular behavior. A cat, for example, which is inserted in a locked cage, will be moving, walking, jumping, scratching, barking, and so on, until at one point he accidentally stepped on a pedal in the cage so the cage was open. Since then, the cat will immediately step on the pedal when he was put in the same cage.
In the process of learning which follows the principle of trial and this one there are some legal
Thorndike noted:
1. Securities Law (The Law of Effect): The intensity of the relationship between S and R increases when
relationship is followed by a pleasant situation. Conversely, the relationship will berkuran, if followed by an unpleasant situation. Thus, any behavior that produces a particular decision, will be associated with the situation. So, if the situation appears again, then the behavior will appear again.
In the example of a cat in a cage on top, stepped on the pedal behavior will be associated with unpleasant situations because freed from the cage. With this theory can be regarded as adherents of Thorndike understand new associationism. Unlike the old associationism adopted by John Locke and Mills childless father, then a new associationism not connecting between ideas with ideas, but a link between the stimulus with response or responses with the response.
2. Practice of Law (The Law of Exercise) or legal order, not in order (The Law od Use and Disuse): SR relationship can also be caused or encouraged through exercises
yangberulang and over. With demikia, this means also, SR relationship can also
caused or encouraged through the repetitive exercises. Thus, this
also means, SR relationship can be weakened if not trained or done repeatedly.
Because R usefulness of a particular S in the latter case can not
longer perceived or more and more disappear in organsime concerned. In connection with his theory of the Law on Securities, Thorndike to the book written together with other Columbia group leader named Woodworth, Thorndike argued that what had earlier dipelaajri will affect what is learned later.
If it is learned later has much in common with the previous study, it will be a positive transfer terjaid where it yangbaru it will not be too difficult to learn. For example, people who have never learned to ride horses, do not be too difficult to learn to drive a train ride. Conversely, if the things learned later was learned earlier and there are many differences, it will be difficult to learn things that then were, and here there is negative transfer.
For example, a
that have been used to write with his left hand for writing with his left hand is entirely different way than writing with his right hand. The principle of this transfer then diamalkannya into the world of education and written in the book Educational Psychology (1903) and because of his achievements Thorndike was finally appointed professor at Teacher's College of Columbia.


Your PC will not act at all? Hard drive undetectable, optical drives, which seem slow, which is not optimal monitor looks, or a router that too often hangs? Do not panic, find the solution here!

Occasionally this can happen. PC suddenly acting up, and can not be resolved easily. Even if you've read the various troubleshooting guide in the manual are available. And this could also happen to you. (For Compaq CQ40 laptop users with OS Ubuntu 9.10 / 10:04 problem with Wifi can view this article.)

Not looking at the situation and conditions, a system can be acting up. It could be a moment after you perform the update drivers. Or after the addition of enhancements to your system. Or occur suddenly, without warning or prior notice.

And this review will discuss the things mentioned above. Have no need to panic anxiety and deal with it.

Sit quietly, and just follow the discussion this time. Hopefully one of them is the answer to the problems you face with your favorite PC.

Latest, Not Bug-Free Means
Not always the latest technology to provide the best for users. Even the few times we watched alone, a product that carries the latest technology, the initial batch was also accompanied by perbagai problems frustrating enough.

For example, a motherboard with the latest chipset. Here are some cases that is often perceived by members of the lab PC Media. There should be some small-scale research, in order to run a series of tests to perfect. Ranging from the occasional find BIOS updates, driver updates or just manually updated the product concerned.

Another example is to test the video card. With the sharpening of competition ATI Radeon and nVidia, make different products with the latest chipset, kept coming into our lab. Which ultimately requires a software patch testing solutions. To be able to run it.

Then, what happens in the real world? In everyday use with your PC

Step Opening
As in chess, the first step will be very decisive. So also in solving problems that occur with your PC.

In this subbahasan, will contain the most important step in trying to resolve problems with your PC. The important thing is to try to find out, what's causing your PC acting up. The last change what happens on your PC?

It is very important to know for sure. Remember, this will greatly facilitate the settlement to be done. Adjusted for possible problems that occur. From here, it is possible to narrow the possible problems that occur with your PC.

01. PC No Reacting, The Pressured Power Button.
Problem: you press the power button to turn on your PC, but PC does not show signs of life. What happened?

Solution: If this happens on your PC, there are several possibilities that must be examined one by one gradually.

Step 1: Check all the electrical network, from the AC outlet to the PSU (power supply unit) of your PC. Is it installed perfectly. Starting from the PSU to make sure the switch in the ON position, or if you use a UPS (uniterruptable power supply) and / or Stabilizers AVR (automated voltage regulator). Make sure all the ON position and in a state to function properly.

Step 2: If it is not the cause, then chances are a new next on your PC. Make sure all cables (especially power cables) and components installed properly. How to open the casing, then squeeze back component and connector cables available. Sometimes this is because the connector is not connected properly. Note also ATX 12V, which can be found on most motherboards four years. Motherboard will not act, without ration power from this connector.

Step 3: It would be quite troublesome. Make a check of device one by one. The definition is a CPU and motherboard. Make sure both are still functioning properly. Because let's say if the CPU is damaged, the system will not light at all. Likewise, if the motherboard is damaged. Especially for the affairs of its power supply (MOSFET, power lines on the PCB and so on). It also will cause the PC will not react at all.

02. Fan, Hard Drive Sounds rotation, but Remain Dark Screen Monitor.
Problem: PC react. There was a spinning fan, and other signs of life from hard drives, optical drives, etc.. However, the monitor remains black.

Solution: Fiuhh ... at least it was slightly better than the problem number 1. For this problem, you should rely on marks given BIOS POST. Make sure the casing is attached speakers either, so you can listen to a combination POST beep is definitely available on most motherboards. Or on some motherboards latest output, an integrated buzzer is also available on the motherboard.

It's easier if the motherboard BIOS POST code display is accompanied in the form of two seven segment LED, which will display the code hexagesimal. If you do not know the meaning of the code (either sound or light) or even lose the manual, once again no need to panic. You can try to open the site Bios Central (

Save various documents, favorite songs in MP3 format, installation of 3D games (which measure up to units of gigabytes), some even collect video download DivX format, or master digital video transfer from handycam results. It is not strange if the hard drive with full speed. Adding a hard drive too, was not
apart from some problems that may arise.

03. System Not Recognize New Hard Drive.
Problem: new hard drive installed, was not detected either in Windows or the BIOS though.

Solution: The point is to install and configure the hard disk properly. Harddisk not include a hard component in the installation process. However, there are several steps that must certainly have been done, when installing the hard drive.

Step 1: Make sure your hard drive is getting power supply from the PSU. Trivial mistake like this could happen. Given the location of the hard drive is usually on the front casing. Sometimes you connect with a branch of power from fan, who did not get a supply of power from the PSU. This could also be due to inadequate number of power connectors from PSU.

Step 2: Make sure that the master and slave hard drive exactly as desired. Or if you want to use the configuration on the cable select, make sure to use the configuration on the second hard drive, your old and new.

Step 3: If you want to use cable select configuration, consider the installation of the IDE cable on the hard disk. Some of the latest cable, has given a special mark, to help determine which connectors will be considered as a master, and connectors which would be considered a slave. If not available, the easiest way is by following the basic rules. Connectors are located tip designated as the master. While the connector in the middle, will be treated as a slave.

Step 4: If it all has not been able to resolve the problem, then there is an alternative answer to the BIOS settings. Integrated Peripherals On top choice, there are usually options for the IDE controller. Here also there is the option for setting the SATA hard disk controller. Should you experience a similar problem, when I want to add a new hard drive had a SATA interface. Especially for SATA hard drive and Windows, do not forget to install the driver that is usually supplied by motherboard manufacturers. Or update, depending on the chipset the motherboard uses.

04. Hard Disk Detected but Can not Be Operated.
Problem: The BIOS detects the presence of the hard disk. But not so with Windows, even DOS.

Solution: This is not a big problem. All you need do is create a partition, and then format the new hard drive. Due to the new hard drive is not formatted in a file system that can recognize the Windows or DOS. There are several possibilities that can be done with the new hard drive.

Possible 1: Should you want to install the new hard drive with operating system Windows 9x, it would require some basic knowledge about the command FDISK. For this one, we strongly recommend to use the commands on this one accompanied by someone you know who've experienced.

Possible 2: If you want to install it with Windows 2000/XP or some newer Linux distributions nowadays, you do not need another headache to deal with the FDISK command. They provide options during the installation process. Just follow the steps and choices given. At least it's easier than using the FDISK command for most people.

Possible 3: If the new hard drive would be used as an additional hard drive for data storage, it will be easier. For example, you've been using Windows XP operating system. By using his user who has administrator rights you can do the following.

Simply by going to Disk Management. One of them by right clicking on My Computer, choose Manage.

Notice the left column. Later in the Storage, select Disk Management. From here you can view and manage your new hard drive more easily.

Note: Be careful when using the facilities available in Disk Management. Do not let one choose the hard disk. Because data on the hard disk or partition may be lost. Likewise when using FDISK or a similar functionality of available on the OS installation process.

05. New Hard Drive Installation Extra Large.
Problem: 200 GB hard drive is not detected either in the BIOS, let alone Windows. In fact, step on a tip to 03 and 04 has been started all.

Solution: Along with time and technological advances that exist, then the large disk mass products already available in the market. With a relatively affordable price. The core problem is the use of in LBA (Logical Block Addressing) is used. The problem for the above, usually caused by hard disk larger than 137 GB, using 48-bit LBA method.

To that end, the first needs to be done is to ascertain whether the BIOS is used, already supports 48 bit LBA. For example here is to use 48-bit LBA Test Program for the Intel Application Accelerator ( Simply by running a simple application 48lbachk.exe on the system.

If you find that the BIOS is not supporting, it is necessary to update the BIOS. Note the readme which is available on the BIOS update. Make sure the updates that will be used, to resolve compatibility issues 48 bit LBA hard drive.

Optical Drive
This one device may have been long used as a mainstay for business storage. Here may be some problems that can occur.

06. Software Burner Optical Drive Not Functioning on New.
Problem: Suppose you had to say goodbye to the old CDRW drive. And replace it with a new burner drive. But you just realize, that mainstay Nero burner software, can not be used with the new drive. Why is that?

Solution: In the early days of glorious CD-RW drives, most of the sales package comes with the burner software. However, now many outstanding optical drives that are not accompanied with the burner software.

Please note, OEM licenses granted for package sales. And devoted to the bundled product. And Nero has a protection, so that can only be used specifically for the drive. To continue to use it to drive a new burner, the most minimal cost is to upgrade. enggunakan Nero 6 Reloaded Upgrade Downloadable Serial Number (, for U.S. $ 39.99). It's cheaper than the full version.

07. Write speed is not fast as Promised.
Problem: Specification does not promise 100% accordance with the reality. But if it took the write up to two times or more the time appointed, there must be something wrong. What cause?

Solution: This may not be so much felt, even for CD-RW drive is the fastest though. However, if you've switched to a DVD burner drive, the difference will be felt. It could take more than 1 hour to complete writing data on DVD media capacity of 4.7 GB.

That need to be ascertained is, whether the hard drive or optical drive is used, has been working on Ultra DMA mode (Direct Memory Access).

How to check, in Windows XP with respect to the Device Manager. Open the IDE controller on the tree. And look at the Advanced Settings tab. Look at the Current Transfer Mode. Check on each IDE controller in which the hard drive and optical drive installed.

VGA and Display
Both are designed to pamper the eyes of users. With a more powerful VGA, you'll get a better frame rate. While the display is better, you will get a resolution and refresh rate that is not tiring the eye. However, it does not mean they are free from problems.

08. Video Card Driver not installed with Perfect.
Problem: It seems the driver installation process went perfect. But after the system restarts, there is a warning error box: â € œcli.exe Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click OK to terminate the application.â €? What causes and how to fix this?

Solution: Some users have video cards with ATI Radeon chipsets VPU never feel it. Especially if you ever update the drivers and supporting applications using the ATI Catalyst. For information, ATI Catalyst that are specific to this Windows operating system, created by using Microsoft. NET Framework SDK.

Operating systems need to be added by installing the Microsoft. NET Framework. Which is now available is for version 1.1.

It would be useful if you are also going to install applications created by using Microsoft. NET Framework SDK. To solve all the problems, which led to the emergence of pop-up window similar.

09. Avoiding Error Message When Installing VGA Driver Update.
Problem: How should perform the update VGA driver. Because in some cases, there is often an error message appears.

Solution: There is no specific command that is included on the installer file update VGA driver, who suggested to uninstall the old drivers that were previously installed. However, you'll want to make cleaning your operating system from the old drivers ever. Before you install it with the latest updates as desired.

For users with VGA with ATI Radeon chipsets, you can easily uninstall the old drivers, along with several supporting applications. Since ATI is also already includes ATI CATALYST Uninstaller, which is automatically included when ATI CATALYST driver installation process.

For others, it is necessary tricks of its own. Quite a few alternatives to clean the old drivers. You can use Driver Cleaner, which is now available Driver Cleaner 3.3, or variants Professional Edition (

10. Improving the view in the Monitor.
Problem: You have selected the best monitors. Say a TFT-LCD, or â € œsekadarâ €? CRT monitors leading brands, which often won hardware reviews. But the resulting appearance is not satisfactory. What to do?
Solution: As great as any device whatever, will not be optimal without the optimal configuration. So also for the monitor.

Most LCD monitors have a special button AUTO (or similar), for automatic configuration. In accordance with the data communicated between the monitor with a video card with DDC. But sometimes not perfect. Most of the moire interference is still felt. You can use the Monitor Test, and try until interference moire mengalibrasikan minimal.

For CRT monitors, mostly at the level of contrast and brightness problems. Contrast will adjust the monitor power light. But if the excess will be tiring eyes. Brightness will memperterang. However, if too high, will lose black level. And in some cases the focus will also disrupt the viewing monitor.

DSL Internet connection speed does offer a fairly satisfactory. Package offering price range, can be tailored to the needs. However, any problem can not be separated from him. And it's not an easy thing to make an Internet connection that is free from problems.

11. Router Hang, and should be restarted.
Problem: Initially, during installation of the router, this has never happened. But lately, often times the router hangs and needs to be restarted to get an Internet connection on a PC connected to the router.

Solution: Even though the best configurations, the router can still have a hang. Usually this is due to too many connection requests at the same time. And so far, the only way around that is to restart the router (turn it off and then turn it back).

Step 1: If your router manufacturer has provided updated firmware, you can try to update the firmware to fix the routing process and prevent crashes on the router.

Step 2: You can take precautionary action. This sort of thing can also be caused by viruses, spyware also attack the PC. Run antivirus and antispyware that has been updated, to check on each PC.

Step 3: Consider the applications installed on each client PC router. Especially some of the applications file sharing Peer to Peer (P2P). Such applications can also cause this. If not configured properly, P2P software can be opened Sharring its permissions, so that if the request is too much work will automatically charge your router.

12. Connection with Wi-Fi Sometimes Disconnected.
Problem: network connection using a Wi-Fi, occasionally interrupted abruptly. For no apparent reason. This occasionally happens on Centrino notebooks are already equipped with Wi-Fi connection.

Solution: Usually this is caused due to power saving mode. Centrino notebooks by default makes this function enabled in order to save battery consumption. The easiest way is to use the Intel PROSet application (if available).

Or through the properties on WI-Fi devices ethernet, on Network Connections. Then select Configure. In Adcanced tab, there are settings to optimize power consumption. Ad Hoc Transmit Power, influence the range. Meanwhile, Power Management, will adjust to the battery condition, and the idle time of the notebook. And will automatically reduce power consumption from the battery.

This, which may cause the Wi-Fi connection is lost. So there are two alternatives that can be done.

Option 1: Setting the maximum position for both of these functions. Especially if you're not worried about the remaining battery capacity. Because the available shortcut buttons to directly turn off the Wi-Fi in most Centrino notebooks.

Option 2: Customize the style of the use of your notebook. Learn notebook usage when idle. And tried in accordance with the habits of everyday use. Surely you do not want your Wi-Fi connection was suddenly interrupted by 5 minutes of idle time has passed. And you just leave your notebook, to simply going to the toilet or make a cup of hot coffee.